  • 學位論文


Exploring Key Factors in Improving Organizational Constitution- A Case Study of Cathay Life Insurance Corporation

指導教授 : 胡宜中


企業要能夠永續經營,必須要有能力因應經營環境的變遷,並提出相關對策或策略。本研究係因國泰金融集團是台灣地區金融業中的龍頭地位,是目前國內最大的金控公司。然而國泰金控在過去的十年間(2000 年~2011 年),其市值變化不大,約略在100億美元~110 億美元間。相對於其他公司而言,可說是遇到了經營上的瓶頸。國泰金控董事長蔡宏圖先生說:「面對金融市場之快速變化,產業競爭激烈的挑戰,要讓國泰金融集團可以在下一個五十年持續領航,成就華人地區最佳金融機構的目標。」。因此國泰人壽展開了一個以提升組織變革為重點,並依此建立未來經營方向的專案。 本研究係以麥肯錫顧問公司所提出的構面及準則為基礎,並輔以組織變革之文獻,透過國泰人壽中之專家訪談來建立評估架構,接著透過德爾菲法請專家修正準則,形成研究架構。考量因素間存在相依性,本研究使用多準則決策中廣為應用的網路程序分析法,找出改善組織體職之關鍵因素。 麥肯錫顧問公司為做組織體質之調查及診斷,特別從構面及準則中設計問卷對員工進行抽樣訪查,受訪之同仁中,屬主管職位者計有75%,在受訪者中占相當高的比率。調查結果顯示受訪者對個案公司在構面及準則的表現表達程度不一的看法,百分比數字越高,代表績效表現越好。而麥肯錫顧問公司就調查結果,係針對績效表現較弱的準則,提出建議改善組織體質方案。國泰人壽亦提出改善組織體質之方案,但與麥肯錫相同,都是依據指標的績效表現。 然而,對決策問題而言,組織應特別關注與可能過份重視的指標,而這些指標卻未必一定是績效表現較好或較差者。因此引發本研究依據麥肯錫所提出之架構進行因素權重分析,並依此決定國泰人壽極需改善、過份重視以及需要持續保持的指標。由於網路程序分析法強調準則間或多或少存在著相依關係,在應用上也是找出關鍵因素的有效工 具,因此本研究採用網路程序分析法來離釐清變數間相互影響關係,找出影響個案公司改善組織體質的關鍵因素。 研究結果顯示改善組織體質的關鍵準,包含績效契約、開創與創新、獎懲管理、內部競爭、員工績效評估及則及公司價值觀,其管理意涵簡述如下: 1. 績效契約: 顯示個案公司應透過確立目標與文化的正式績效目標來推動權責制度。藉由激勵之、方式,除了讓員工獲取績效外並可達到組織之目標。 2. 開創與創新: 代表個案公司應支持創新、創意與自動自發的精神。要在現代世界獲勝的最佳方法是創新。創新的成果,也就是持續不斷的營收成長與利潤,必須成為你經營事業的重要環節。 3. 獎懲管理: 個案公司應透過個人績效表現與獎懲的掛勾來推動權責制度。獎懲之依據必須全面公開,讓員工都能充分了解,透過獎懲制度來推動權責制度,以達到組織之目標。 4. 內部競爭: 個案公司必須重視結果與成就,同時透過內部良性競爭來促進績效表現。競爭是人們透過各種方式發揮自身能力,以達到共同的目所作的努力。因此透過內部良性競爭來達成組織績效,。 5. 員工績效評估: 個案公司應利用正式的績效評估、回饋與追蹤等機制來協調並控管人才的流動。員工績效評估與員工息息相關,唯有公正的績效評估才能留住優秀人才,進而提升組織的績效達到改善組織體質之目的。 6. 公司價值觀: 個案公司應建立以能引起員工共鳴的強有力價值觀來激勵員工。公司價值觀,是指企業或組織其經營企業過程中所推崇的理念和遵循的做法。因此為能引起員工共鳴的強有力價值觀來激勵員工,企業或組織必須提出其經營的理念與做法且為是為員 工所接受的共同觀念。 研究結果也顯示個案公司在績效契約與內部競爭2個準則裏,表現頗佳,因此需持續保持;在開創與創新、獎懲管理、員工績效評估及公司價值觀等4個準則上,表現普通,因此及需改善。本研究有助於檢視個案公司極需改善與過度重視的指標,可據以調整資源分配,使個案公司在改善組織體質上發揮最佳效益。


Capability of addressing in the dynamical change of environment along with relevant strategies and proposals are mandatory to a company’s sustainable operation. This study originated from a base considering Cathay’s financial group to be the leader of finance industry in Taiwan, the largest holding company amongst of all domestically. However, Cathay Financial Holdings (hereinafter referred to as “Cathay”) had rare change in the market value over the past ten years (from 2000 to 2011), which was around US$10 b to US$11 b. Compared with other companies, we may say that Cathay is encountering a bottleneck in the operation. Mr. Tsai, Hong-Tu, the Chairman to the Cathay Financial Holdings, said: "In the face of rapidly changing financial markets and challenge raised from industries’ competitive situations, we are going to make the Cathay Financial Group continue to be a pioneer in fifty years to come, achieving a goal of becoming the best financial institutions in Chinese area." Therefore, Cathay Life Insurance launched a project which focused on the enhancement of organizational change, and thus oriented in the future operations. This study was based on the dimension and guideline a consultancy firm named McKinsey proposed with literature in topic of organizational change, where multiple interviews with experts amid the Cathay Life Insurance were utilized to establish an evaluation framework, then experts were pleased to revise such guidelines through the Delphi method to form the research framework. Considered dependency existed between factors, network analysis method applied widely in the multi-criteria decision making module was used to identify key factor(s) of improving organizational nature in the Study herein. McKinsey had a particularly-designed questionnaire derived from dimension and guideline for sampled interview conducted on all employees for the investigation and diagnosis of nature of organization; among all colleagues as the respondents in the interview, supervisor accounted for 75% of all which was quite high. Indicated from the survey, the respondents had varied expressions in their views of dimensions and guidelines for the company in the case study where higher the percentage, better the performance shall be. McKinsey proposed for improvement of organizational nature based on those guidelines performed weaker and Cathay Life also proposed to improve organizational nature, but the base of indicator in the performance is the same with that proposed by McKinsey. However, for issues as to decision-making dimension, an organization shall pay special attention to those over-focused indicators, and such indicators may not necessarily in better or worse performance. Therefore, this study was triggered to conduct weighting factor analysis based on McKinsey-proposed architecture, and thus determined indicators desiring improvement, with excessive focus and needing maintenance. As the network process analysis method emphasizes that more or less dependency existed between guidelines that in the applications, it is also an effective tool to identify the key factors; hence, this study used network analysis to clarify interactive relationship among variables and identify key factors to influence case company’s improvement of organizational nature. Indicated from the findings, keys to improve organizational nature shall consist of performance contract, innovation and creation, award and punishment management, interior competition, employee performance evaluation and company value, where the inner meanings behind management are outlined as follows: 1. Performance Contract: It shows that the case company shall promote accrual system through confirmation of target and formal target as to the cultural performance where the incentive programs not only facilitate employee to perform well, but also achieve organizational target. 2. Innovation and Creation: It represents that the case company shall be the supportive of spirit of innovation, creation and voluntariness. Innovation is the ideal way to be the winner in the modern world. Innovative results, that is, sustainable revenue growth and profitability, shall be critical to your entrepreneurship. 3. Awards and Punishment Management: The case company shall promote accrual system through individual performance incorporated with awards and punishments, where the base to award or punish someone shall be in public which enables employee to catch the whole picture and accrual system is activated by such system to achieve organizational target. 4. Internal Competition: The case company must emphasize result and achievement, while facilitating performance through healthy competition internally. Competition constitutes effort made for common purpose through people exerting capabilities in diverse manner; hence, organizational performance shall be achieved through such healthy competition internally. 5. Employee Performance Evaluation: The case company shall utilize systems such as formal performance evaluation, feedback and tracing action to coordinate and control mobility of talent. Employee performance evaluation is connected to the employee closely that only justifiable manner behind evaluation enables to retain talents with outstanding performance, further enhancing organizational performance and achieving purposes of improving organizational nature. 6. Company Values: The case company shall establish a powerful value raising sympathy to the employee for inspiration, which refers to an ideal honored and practices observed during operation, which thus becomes a powerful value raising sympathy to the employee for inspiration and an entity or organization must propose a common concept of ideal and practice for operation which is acceptable to all employees. The findings also indicated that the case company had great performance in both dimensions including performance contract and internal competition; hence, they need to be maintained continuously; on four guidelines including innovation and creation, awards and punishment management, employee performance evaluation and company values, the case company had ordinary performance which desire improvement therewith. This study helped viewing all indicators in the case company which desire improvement and with excessive focus, further adjust allocation of resource and facilitate the case company to exert its best effect on improving organizational nature.


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