  • 學位論文


Effects of Multi-targets of seastages in signal detection performance.

指導教授 : 趙金榮


摘要 近年來世界各國海軍漸漸的將傳統艦上雷達改為相列雷達,但在我國相列雷達系統一開始是為陸用而研發的,如果將陸用雷達直接運用在海軍船艦上是否會有諸多問題是當初陸用環境所不會遇到的,例如會晃動的船艦與海象所造成的動暈和多目標都是陸用雷達操作手所不會遇到的狀況。 本研究以雷達模擬畫面組合各種振動環境(前景與背景)與多目標情境-不同數量等級的雜波(輕度/中度/重度),由熟手與生手分別操作後,收集其反應時間與模擬成績兩種數據來做分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)熟手與生手的反應時間與模擬成績都受到雜波數量影響最大。(2)熟手模擬成績明顯較生手高,或許因為熟手熟悉威脅評估的關係。(3)前景或背景的振動對生手與熟手的反應時間之間差異不顯著。(4)前景或背景的振動對生手與熟手的模擬成績有顯著的差異。 相信經過訓練後生手會知道威脅評估的重要性而提高模擬成績,而更重要的是雷達的研發要致力於減少雜波的數量,使雷達操作手的訊號偵測績效得以提高。 關鍵字: 訊號偵測理論、振動環境、雜波、多目標、反應時間


Abstract In recent years, many countries’Navy are changing their traditional radars to phase array radar system on their warships. But phase array radar system was designed for Army in the beginning in Taiwan, so there might exist many problems if we just move system on warships, such as six-axles movement, complicated multi-targets of seastages, motion sickness. Those conditions never happened to Army radar operators before. In this study, a radar simulation program which contains different movement (foreground/background) and clutter levels (heavy/middle/light) is used to test the experiments. Reaction times and data are collected and analyzed from experienced and inexperienced operators. These results of the experiment were as follow: (1) clutter level was the most effective factor upon reaction time and score of experienced and inexperienced operators. (2)The experienced operators got higher scores than inexperienced operators. The reasons maybe that experienced operators are well known of threatening evaluation. (3) The reaction time of different movement of foreground and background between experienced and inexperienced operators were almost not remarkable. (4)The score of different movement of foreground and background between experienced and inexperienced operators were significant. It is believed that inexperienced operators will get higher scores after training and learning importance of threatening evaluation. Most important of all, radar program designers must strive to reduce amount of clutters, and that will promote signal detection performance of radar operators. Keywords: signal detection theory(SDT),reaction time, vibration, clutter, multi-target


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