  • 學位論文


Application of Moodle Platform in Teaching Junior High School Mathematics

指導教授 : 孫天佑


Moodle平台是現今很常被使用的學習管理系統( Learning Management System, LMS),在國外和台灣的很多大學都已經在使用了,但在國中使用的普及率仍不是很高,尤其是應用在國中數學上更是寥寥無幾,大致的原因可能是和數學符號及算式在數位學習平台上的呈現不易以及無法在平台上讓教師和學生有更多的互動有關。 因此我們想藉由這篇論文來探討:如何將國中數學應用在Moodle學習平台上,以及如何增加教師與學生之間在Moodle平台上的互動。此外,我們也大膽的嘗試去做國中數學平台的整體設計。 我們的研究結果發現:藉由一些插件能夠讓國中數學在Moodle平台上的教學更加順暢,而測驗的回饋和插件的運用對於師生之間有了更好的互動。值得一提的是,我們在製作整個平台的過程幾乎沒有花費半毛錢,但卻完全可以媲美商業平台。


Nowadays, Moodle is a popular LMS ( Learning Management System) either in the colleges of Taiwan and overseas. However, it is not commonly used in junior high school, especially in junior high mathematics. There are probably two reasons which cause the situation: first, it is hard to type the mathematical symbol and equation on E-learning platform. Second, the platform could not promote the interactions between teachers and students. Thus, we want to discuss how to apply Moodle to junior high mathematics, and how to increase the interactions between teachers and students on the platform. Besides, we want to challenge for the overall design of junior high mathematics platform. Our research indicated that utilize plug-in could help the platform well-performed in junior high mathematics. And the feedback of test and plug-in could promote the interactions of teachers and students. It is notable that we could totally compare to business platform without spending any money.


Moodle E-Learning LMS


【1】 吳振遠(2008)。以Moodle建置中學數位學習平台之研究。
【2】 花英德(2008)。以科技接模式探討國小學童Moodle 教學平台使用行為之研究─以資訊議題教材。
【3】 辛文義(2008)。Moodle學習心法。
【4】 Moodle官方網站。https://moodle.org/.
【5】 歐展嘉(2008)。Moodle馬上會。
