  • 學位論文

兩岸營業秘密保護與運用 ---以員工管理與權益保障為中心

A study on law and practice for protecting trade secret in Taiwan and China-- managing but also protecting the employees

指導教授 : 李崇僖


摘 要 員工洩密使得企業主遭受損失的案例層出不窮, 因此我國近日營業秘密法在業界及學界的大聲疾呼下,特別針對刑事責任部分做了大幅度的增訂,營業秘密法於2013年(民國102年)1月通過修正草案,其中對於以竊取、擅自重製等不正方法取得、使用、洩漏營業秘密的行為,均課以刑事責任,最高可處5年有期徒刑,而境外實施處一年以上十年以下有期徒刑,希望藉能以此阻絕不當取得、使用營業秘密之行為。 中國在營業秘密保護上,營業秘密擁有者於營業秘密被侵害之時,刑事上得依據刑法第219條論處。民事上,因侵害營業秘密需要負擔法律責任者僅限於反不正當競爭法指稱的經營者、依合同法締約的締約者、勞動法所規定簽有保密協議的員工,以及公司的董事、監察人與經理,對於無上述關係而侵害營業秘密之人難以追究,請求損害賠償,可說是一大漏洞。侵害營業秘密所須負擔之行政責任,工商行政管理機關可以責令被申請人停止銷售使用權利人商業秘密生產的產品,並處以罰款且要求侵害營業秘密之人將載有營業秘密的圖紙、軟體及其有關資料返還營業秘密擁有者。以及監督侵害營業秘密之人銷毀使用營業秘密擁有者營業秘密生產的、流失市場將會造成營業秘密公開的產品。對於營業秘密遭受損害之人損害不再擴大,應有實際之幫助。 然,一旦企業因營業秘密發生爭訟,被控侵害營業秘密的員工通常就會抗辯系爭營業秘密非屬企業所有,而是員工本身自行研發。此時即需要內部控管機制發揮效用,而內部管控機制能否被確切執行,而發揮成效,需屆由定期或是不定期的內部稽核,以確認內部控管機制是否被確實執行,防範惰性的產生。又如果不幸發生營業秘密被侵害情事,而循司法途徑解決時,營業秘密內部管控機制、與員工契約的簽訂,都會對於是否符合營業秘密法中對於合理保護措施要件成立的關鍵。 當知曉員工離職計畫之時,即應藉由離職面談來探知員工未來計畫,並適時提醒保密的重要性及侵害雇主營業秘密之後果,而本章所提到的諸多手段,例如最低服務年限條款、離職金減半條款等,若是員工已經簽署同意之條款,亦可於離職面談時提出,或許可以使員工打消離職之意,但不宜使員工有遭受恐嚇之感,否則反而加深員工敵意。又競業禁止條款若非於員工任職之時即已簽定,就算已提出代償措施,員工仍有可能不願意簽署,故建議雇主若於員工到任之時,即可認知員工的重要性即應與其簽訂合理之競業禁止合約;或是於員工任職期間定期審閱員工職務,與具有重要性的員工簽訂競業禁止合約以提高員工簽署競業禁止合約之意願。




Abstract It keeps happening that employee’s revelation of trade secret causes employer great damage. Therefore, the government has recently revised part of criminal responsibility in Trade Secret Act and promulgated an amended draft which imposes violators of illegal acquisition, utilization and revelation such as stealing, reproducing without authorization a maximum of 5 years of imprisonment. Those who commit overseas are imposed of imprisonment ranging from a minimum of 1 year to 10 years. All these revisions are with intent to stop illicit acquisition and utilization. In China, in terms of trade secret protection, secret owner can appeal to Criminal Law §219 while the trade secret being violated. As for civil responsibility, only those persons mentioned below are liable to take legal responsibility when violation of trade secret happens: operators that specified in Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the contracting parties according to Contract Law, the employees who have signed confidentiality agreement required by Labor Law and the board members, supervisors and managers of the company. If the violators are not those who mentioned above, it is difficult to call for compensation. This is considered to be one of the major flaws. About the administrative responsibility for violating trade secret, the administration for industry and commerce has the right to ask the appellees to stop selling and to destroy products related to the trade secret. The appellees are also required to return to the trade secret owner everything that carries the trade secret including paper, software, etc. Moreover, a fine will be given to the violator. This could help to reduce the damage caused. If litigation happens for trade secret violation, the appellee usually refute that the trade secret is not possessed by the company; the appellee himself developed it instead. This is the moment when internal control comes into effect. However, whether the internal control can take effect as it is supposed to depends on whether the internal audits are properly executed. When a violation of trade secret happens and is going through judicial process, internal control, internal audits and confidentiality agreement play a fundamental role in the protection of trade secret. When knowing an employee is resigning from his job, it is important to know the employee’s future plan through an exit interview and to remind him of the importance of confidentiality and the consequences of violating it. There are many resorts mentioned in this chapter. If the employee has signed the provisions, they can be mentioned in the exit interview with hope to discourage the employee from resigning. But it shouldn’t be too intense or it may raise the employee’s hostility toward the company. If the employee did not sign Non-competition Clauses while taking the position, he might not be willing to sign it afterwards. Therefore, it is preferable to encourage the employee of importance to sign Non-competition Clauses in the beginning. It is also feasible to review employees’ job content on a regular basis and to sign Non-competition Clauses with employees of importance to raise other employees’ will of signing the clauses.


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