  • 學位論文


Employment of Strategic Marketing on Interior Design Business Promotions

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘 要 室內設計在台灣有四十幾年的歷史,市場環境愈趨成熟,消費者在挑選室內設計公司或是室內設計師時的多樣性與選擇面更為多重。激烈的競爭無可比避免,運用策略有計畫的突顯與其它設計公司的差異,讓消費者主動找到你是運用行銷的市場行銷計劃之一。因此,「行銷」的搭配運用就顯得非常重要,商場本身就如戰場,不主動戰鬥,自然會被競爭者瓜分市場。本就詭譎多變的市場除講究效率、明快果決的策略外,節省成本、人力等開銷是必然的。 從2009年金融風暴席捲而來,台灣的經濟環境更形惡劣,企業生存更加困難,應扭轉頹勢開創新契機,而策略性行銷乃主動出擊增加生存機會,行銷目的本就為求改變困境扭轉局勢。市場變化不斷,永遠不變的是隨市場而變化,而策略性行銷基本目的乃為求佔有市場。 近幾些年人們生活水平提高對居家生活品質、空間環境的要求逐漸提昇,在電子商務競爭激烈的戰國時代,網路資訊透明而快速,為反應環境變化帶來的衝擊,調整策略是因市場環境的重大變化所做的因應之道。目前市面上室內裝修的行銷方式大部分是以雜誌、報紙廣告、電視媒體、網路中架設網站、電子商務媒體、APP……等,為普遍現存的行銷方式。本研究以策略性行銷為主題,以探討室內設計經營者或室內設計師可運用之策略性行銷,有助於對未來擴展市場、搶先取得商機之機會。最後總結「策略性行銷」之運用以對室內設計從業人員在激烈的競爭市場中找到商機的參考,研究結果發現: 一. 價格與品質策略的運用是創業初期進攻市場趨勢。 二. 運用創意設計為導向的策略能發揮室內設計業的特色。 三. 公司的特質是運用策略性行銷的關鍵。


Abstract Interior Design in Taiwan four decades years of history, increasingly mature market environment, consumers in the selection or interior designers interior design firm when multiple diversity and more choices. competition is inevitable, the use of a planned strategy to highlight the differences with other design firms, so that consumers take the initiative to find you is to use a marketing plan marketing one. Therefore, the "marketing" mix use is very important, shopping malls such as battlefield itself, do not take the initiative to fight, will naturally be competitors share the market. The fickle nature of the market in addition to focusing on efficiency, crisp and decisive strategy, the cost and manpower cost is inevitable。 From the 2009 financial crisis swept Taiwan's economy worse than business survival more difficult to reverse the decline should open up new opportunities, and strategic marketing initiative is to increase the chances of survival for marketing purposes to change the plight reverse the situation. Market changes constantly, never change is the change with the market, but the basic purpose of strategic marketing for the sake of market share. In recent years some people's living standards improve the quality of home life, the requirements of the space environment gradually improved, in the Warring States era of e-commerce competitive, transparent and fast network information for the impact of changes in the reaction environment, adjusting strategy is a result of market environment, significant changes made in response to the road. Currently on the market most of the interior decoration of marketing methods are magazines, newspaper ads, television media, the network set up a website, e-commerce media, APP ..... etc. for general existing marketing methods. In this study, strategic marketing theme to explore interior design interior designer or operator may use the strategic marketing, contribute to the future expansion of the market, the first to obtain business opportunities. Concludes "Strategic Marketing" in order to apply for interior design professionals in the fierce competition in the market to find opportunities reference, research results showed that: 一. Price and quality strategy is to use the early start attacking market trends. 二. The use of creative design-oriented strategy can play interior design features. 三. The characteristics of the company is to use the key strategic marketing.


謝效昭、李美玉(2008),“專案經理關係行銷與服務品質知覺、顧客忠誠度之關聯探討”,東吳經濟商學學報。第六十期 P133~158


