  • 學位論文


Social exclusion in Chinese culture: The impact of situational and individual factors.

指導教授 : 孫蒨如


本研究主要探討當個體被其所屬團體排斥時,個人會產生的反應以及使用的行為策略。過去西方研究發現當個人遭社會排斥時反應並不一致,有時會引起負向反應,但有時也出現正向反應。而這重要議題在重視人際和諧、強調團體的華人社會中,卻鮮少被探討。因此本研究有系統的從情境的因素及個人因素兩方面,探討華人個體對社會排斥的反應,與可能產生之行為策略。 研究一旨在探討情境因素對個人遭排斥後反應之影響,主要以情境模擬故事的方式來進行。各受試者被隨機分派至2(原團體相對地位:高vs.低)× 4(再被接受可能性:20% vs. 50% vs. 80% vs. 無訊息)的實驗情境中。結果發現,當原屬於高地位團體且再被接受可能性大於50%時,個人留在原團體的意願顯著高於其他被排斥情境。而當面對排斥時,所有受試者都採取較多的有效策略,只有當再被接受可能性為20%時,個體使用有效策略的次數稍微低於其他情境。另外,大部分的受試者也都願意努力進行改善,除了原屬團體地位較低且再被接受機率只有20%時,此時個體努力及改變自己的意願最低。換言之,大部分情況下受試者還是希望能繼續與團體維持關係。研究二旨在探討個人因素對遭排斥後反應之影響。本研究為2(不同自我激發:獨立我vs.相依我)× 2(被排斥原因:能力vs.人際)完全受試者間設計。結果發現獨立我個體,因能力因素被拒絕,會採用較多能力策略;而因人際因素被拒絕時則會使用較多人際策略。但相依我個體無論被排斥原因為何,其所採用的策略都未出現明顯變化。此結果說明不同自我概念的運作,使個體在面對社會排斥時有著不同觀點,對獨立我個體而言,社會排斥是「表現不佳」的訊號,因此獨立我個體針對排斥原因使用不同的策略。相對的,相依我個體重視的是「被排斥」這個事實,因此無論策略類型,只要是對後續互動有幫助的策略都願意使用。


In this study we manipulated the possible situational and individual factors to investigate how people would react and the types and frequencies of strategies employed after being excluded from a group. We particularly interested in how Chinese people would perform in these social exclusion situations. Experiment 1 took the situational factors into consideration. It was a 2 (group status: high vs. low) × 4 (the probability of re-acceptance by the original group: 20% vs. 50% vs.80% vs. no feedback) factorial design. As predicted, when original group status was high and the probability of re-acceptance was more than 50%, participants would have the highest intention to stay in original group. Interesting enough, we also found despites different conditions, Chinese participant tended to employ more effective strategies than passive strategies after being excluded. In experiment 2 we manipulated individual factors with a 2 (self-construal priming: independent vs. interdependent self) × 2 (the reason of exclusion: ability vs. interpersonal aspect) factorial design. The results showed that independent participants chose more ability strategies when they were excluded for the ability reason, and employed more interpersonal strategies in the interpersonal aspect exclusion condition. These results indicated that independent participants seemed to see the exclusion as a signal of “bad performance”. Therefore, they employed different types of strategies accordingly depended upon the aspect of exclusion. On the other hand, participants with the interdependent self focused only on the “fact” that they had been excluded. Thus any strategies that might improve their interactions with other were employed by them, no matter what types of strategies were.


