  • 學位論文


The Research of Experiment Economy in Taiwan trans from Conventional Industry to Create Life Industry -A case study of a woman clothing company

指導教授 : 魏主榮


觀光工廠的興起,儼然已經成為時下最流行的觀光產業之一。透過生活型態工廠的展示空間,利用平面照片、歷代產品、廣告短劇等不同的展現手法,及導覽人員生動活潑的現場解說,工廠生產線透明化的立體表演,大大滿足了消費者眼、耳、鼻、身的深刻體驗享受。全球經濟消費型態,從單純的店面產品銷售,逐漸轉變成體驗一種生活不曾有且離開現實生活的生產消費過程。 本研究以桃園縣政府對縣內相關工業區所發展的觀光工廠政策為依據,從文化創意產業中「創意生活產業」的創意角度來探討,已經式微的傳統產業如何轉型為現下最具競爭力的觀光工廠。在這一連串的轉變中,許多企業都增添了DIY產品的活動,讓觀光客可以親身體驗。以B. Joseph Pine Ⅱ與James H. Gilmore體驗經濟的論述為研究基礎,透過各種相關論述文本為輔,從體驗經濟的四大要素,以及四種表演劇場的展示手法,轉換成展示空間的構成元素與設計特點。 A公司女性內衣工廠的特色為帶進日本職人「尊重專業,不分階層」的理念,提升傳統產業中技師的重要性與專業素養。每位「專業職人」就是一位稱職的「解說人員」,把他們在職場上的工作心得與消費者自然分享。為「創意生活產業」與「傳統產業」、「觀光工廠」與「專業職人」中找出一個新的契機,作為發展未來A公司觀光工廠新的體驗價值。


The rising and development of the tourist factory has become the most popular tourism industry. In addition to the demonstration of the lifestyle factory through plain photos, all products from the past, commercial playlets, and other display techniques, via the live exposition of the narrator, and the transparent demonstration of the factory production line, all satisfy the consumers to fully enjoy and experience firsthand vividly. Globally, the patterns of economic consumption have gradually shifted from the traditional marketing in the stores to experiencing the actual product making process. This study is based on the policies developed by the Taoyuan County Government as the related industries have extended tourism factories, and further inquire into the creation of the “creative life industry” among cultural creative industry, and discussed about how the declining traditional Industry could transfer into the most competitive tourism factory. In such series of transformation, many industries have included product for DIY activities, which allows the tourists to experience lively. Based on the experience economy theory by B. Joseph Pine Ⅱ and James H. Gilmore, and through various related dissertators, the Wacoal factory applies the four main elements of experience economy, with four play demonstration techniques, and manage to transform into the components of display and feature design. Wacoal female underwear factory is characterized by bringing in the Japanese professionals’ notion of “respecting specialty without considering stratum”, which enhances the importance and professional manners of the traditional industrial mechanics. Every “professional” is actually a competent “narrator”, who naturally shares his working experience with the consumers. Exploring a turning point for “creative life industry”, “traditional industry”, “tourism industry” and “professionals”, can further develop and provide a new experience value for Wacoal tourism factory.


曹文瑞,2003,《超感人博物館-日本主題收藏所23選 修訂典藏版》,台北,宏碩文化事業股份有限公司。
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