  • 學位論文

供應鏈核心流程之績效指標建立與評估 - 以製造流程為例

The Establishment and Evaluation of Performance Indicators on the Manufacturing Flow of a Supply Chain

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧 黃惠民


中文摘要 企業在面對競爭激烈的環境中,為了維持本身的獲利,整合供應鏈使整體的服務水準提高及成本降低,以提升企業的競爭力。供應鏈管理因而成為企業提升競爭力的一項重要的工具,供應鏈的流程及績效指標的建立,也成為企業關注的焦點。 透過文獻探討供應鏈架構及其核心流程,展開製造流程的工作步驟、活動內容及績效指標,以期應用於供應鏈核心流程及重要績效指標的建立。本研究將製造流程劃分為總體生產規劃、主生產排程、產能需求規劃、物料需求規劃、現場活動控制,探討其工作步驟、活動內容及相關績效指標。 在整理出各流程的工作步驟、活動內容及相關績效指標後,以構面的觀點將各流程的績效指標加以分類,並透過問卷方式調查績效指標的重要度,再以SPSS 15.0分析問卷的信度及效度。經分析後,整個量表及各構面的Cronbach’s α值均大於0.7,代表量表具有一定的信度,再刪除因素負荷量0.4以下的題項,使問卷具有足夠的效度。並以單因子變異數分析對各假說進行檢定,以確認假說是否成立。其後統計製造流程41個績效指標的評分,篩選出19個子流程的重要績效指標。最後整合各流程的工作步驟、活動內容、績效指標及所屬的構面成為管理架構。 本研究主要目的為:1. 透過流程、工作步驟及活動內容的探討,瞭解製造流程建立的要素、2. 經由問卷調查找出製造流程的重要績效指標,以發展製造流程之績效衡量架構、3.以構面的觀點,將重要的績效指標予以分類,以瞭解重要的績效指標是否兼顧各個構面,避免績效指標過於偏頗。 關鍵詞: 供應鏈、製造流程、績效指標


績效指標 供應鏈 製造流程


ABSTRACT In order to be profitable in a competitive environment, collaborations of enterprises in the supply chain is necessary to improve service and reduce costs. As a result, building up performance indicators on supply chain process is critical for enterprises to be competitiveness. In this research, we study the supply chain structures and processes through literature review and develop manufacturing flow, processes, activities and performance indicators. Manufacturing flow consists of aggregate production planning, master production schedule, capacity requirement planning, material requirement planning, and shop floor control. These sub-processes are developed by processes﹐activities﹐and performance indicators. After sorting out each step of the process, activities and performance indicators, we classify the performance indicators and investigate the importance of each performance indicator via questionnaires. This study applies SPSS 15.0 software to compute the Cronbach’s α value from a global and individual perspective. Since the reliability values are all greater than 0.7, we show that this scale is reliable. Moreover, values of factor loading that are less than 0.4 are deleted. The study also ranks the 41 manufacturing process performance indicators by questionnaires to discover 19 important performance indicators. Lastly, we develop a management model considering the viewpoints of processes, activity contents, perspectives and performance indicators. Keywords: supply chain﹐manufacturing flow﹐performance indicator.


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李淳瑤(2009)。供應商評選研究 -以表面黏著產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2009.00740
