  • 學位論文


Exploring Service Quality Factors in Coffee Chain Stores through the Perspectives of Two-Dimensional Quality Model and Experiential Marketing —A Case Study of Starbucks

指導教授 : 王如鈺


星巴克從消費者的感官、情感,去定義和設計的行銷方式,讓自己增加了新的附加價值、顧客滿意度,也藉以提高了顧客的品牌忠誠度。歷來研究者雖曾針對星巴克的服務品質進行多面向討論,但服務品質項目繁多,究竟哪一項品質要素能提高顧客滿意度,哪一項品質要素不應投注過多資源,目前尚未有詳細的文獻探討,且過去的研究傾向於探討如何減少顧客不滿,屬於較被動的狀態。因此本研究引用Kano二維品質模式,採用相對多數方式將星巴克用於體驗行銷的服務品質要素歸類為五大項,分別是魅力品質、一維品質、當然品質、無差異品質及反轉品質。 研究顯示在二維品質的屬性歸類上,25個項目中有16項服務品質要素為「魅力品質」,6項服務品質要素為「一維品質」,其餘的3項為「無差異品質」,由此可知,服務品質要素中有半數以上之項目存在二維品質的特性,本研究再利用Matzler and Hinterhuber(1996)提出的品質改善指標,計算出改善各品質要素所能增加的顧客滿意程度及所能消除的不滿意程度,再將品質改善指標以四象限圖來表示,使咖啡連鎖業者更能明確規劃改善時的主要目標,進而增加消費者的滿意度,及消除消費者的不滿意度。 而在購買頻率方面,利用迴歸分析發現一維品質要素及魅力品質要素皆對購買頻率有正向顯著的影響,本研究更進一步證實,魅力品質比一維品質對於購買頻率更具影響力。且在體驗行銷的服務品質要素中,大部份被歸類為魅力品質及一維品質,因此咖啡連鎖業者,若能在提供基礎的服務或硬體設施時,再施行或改善體驗行銷的服務品質要素,尤其是當中的魅力品質要素,則越能吸引消費者前來消費,增加顧客滿意度及提高競爭力。


Starbucks defines and designs their service from consumers’ sense and feelings, increasing the new additional value and customer satisfaction, thus enhancing customers’ brand loyalty. Although there are many researches about the service quality of Starbucks, but among these quality factors, which factor can increase the customer satisfaction, and which factor should not be concentrated with resources, we didn’t see any specific literature discussion. In addition, the past researches focus more on how to reduce the customer dissatisfaction, which is on a passive view. Therefore this study applies Kano′s model to classify the service quality factors as must-be quality, one-dimensional quality, attractive quality, indifferent quality and reverse quality. The study shows that among 25 factors, 16 are classified as attractive quality factors, 6 are one-dimensional quality factors and 3 are indifferent quality factors. There is no must-be and reverse quality factors being classified. Accordingly, we conclude that more than half of service quality factors have two-dimensional characteristic. Moreover, the study applies Matzler and Hinterhuber′s quality improvement index to calculate the extent of satisfaction we can increase and the extent of dissatisfaction we can decrease. The study shows the quality improvement index by quadrant chart, providing coffee chain stores more definite objects to raise customer satisfaction and eliminate customer dissatisfaction. In purchase frequency aspect, by using regression analysis, the study discovers that one-dimensional and attractive quality factors both have positive significant impact on purchase frequency. The study also proves that attractive quality factor has more significant impact on purchase frequency, while most of service quality factors of experiential marketing are classified as attractive quality factors and one-dimensional quality factors.


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