  • 學位論文


A study of cooperative learning based on applying learning achievement and adaptive material

指導教授 : 鍾斌賢 夏延德


合作學習在教育中一直扮演重要角色,加上網路提供豐富多元化資源,我們必須考慮到除了給予學生適當的分組之外,也要考慮適當的教學資源提供給學生們學習,進而讓學生課程學習結束後達成學習目標。 本研究之實驗會按照教師的課程進度,依據各學習階段學習完成後安排時間請學生們進行該學習階段之概念檢定的動作,經由概念圖的輔助以及利用SPRT所得到測驗之結果得知學生概念缺失的部分之後,將學生進行互補分組、動態互補分組以及思考風格互補分組,使得學生能夠在分組討論中進行合作學習。 本研究的目的在各學習階段針對小組學習或個人學習的狀況,找出組員在概念學習不佳的地方,在合作學習討論過程當中針對學習不佳的概念給予小組以及個人適性化題目的輔助,讓小組組員互相教導彼此概念學習不佳的地方,於合作學習討論完之後,我們藉由測驗的結果看出學生的學習成效是否提升。 本研究將各項適性化規則定義實作於系統之中,老師可以進入系統設定該課程實驗之適性化規則,此外按照各學習階段之需求,設定適合該學習階段之適性化規則運用於實驗過程中,並在實驗的過程中藉由系統適性化出題來幫助學生學習各項概念。 本研究於課程結束後安排測驗並且進行ANOVA檢定動作,觀察學生透過適性化題目討論後是否有明顯差異,並且說明學生透過適性化題目進行討論是否得到良好的輔助。


Since cooperative learning plays an very important role in education and so much knowledge on the internet we can get, we have to consider not only a grouping which is appropriate for the students but also providing knowledge for the students and helping them to make it further, this is an important issue. The experiment will be followed by the teacher's progress of giving a lesson. Under the strategy of grouping, we will arrange for an appropriate time to invite the students to finish each test. After the assistance of concept map and using SPRT test, we can know which concept they don’t understand and do complement grouping, dynamic complement grouping, and complement grouping combine thinking styles. After grouping, the students can proceed cooperative learning in grouping conversation. The propose of our research is to find out which concept the group member can’t learn well via analysis of learning situation. During cooperative learning conversation, we give assistance of adaptive proposition to each group and individual, the group members can learn concept from each other. After cooperative learning conversation, we observe if the learning effect rise. The adaptive rule is implemented in our system and teacher can use this system to set the adaptive rule of course experiment. Besides, teacher can set the adaptive rule which is good for that learning status and use this rule in experiment. Teacher can observe if the adaptive proposition can help student learn each concept. After course, we arrange the test to proceed the ANOVA test and observe if the students can get good assistance via conversation of adaptive proposition.


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