  • 學位論文

文化領導之理念與實踐 —以一位獲得校長領導卓越獎之國小校長為例—

The Belief and Practice of Cultural Leadership: An Award-Winning Elementary School Principal for Excellence

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘 要 本研究旨在探討一位以形塑學校文化為主題,榮獲教育部校長領導卓越獎之國小校長,其文化領導的理念、文化領導的實踐情形、以及文化領導的策略,並進一步探究校長實施文化領導時面對的挑戰及因應策略。 本研究透過質性研究,以深入訪談、文件分析及省思札記等方式蒐集資料,深入探討卓越校長的文化領導。以下為本研究之結論與建議。 本研究之結論為: 一、校長對於學校文化的理念為「沒有文化的學校,充其量只不過是一座 水泥叢林」;對於學生文化的理念為「學生是學校的主體,引導學生 樂於學習」;對於教師文化的理念為「全員參與、溫馨和諧、持續創 作」。 二、校長文化領導的具體實踐為:建造生生不息的四大校園環境、營造人 文關懷的校園文化、建立永續傳承的校園文化、追求卓越的校園文化。 三、校長建造生生不息的四大校園環境:教導愛與尊重的人文校園、是生 命教育好教材的生態校園、讓校園處處有科技的科技校園、以及體驗 藝術創作的藝術校園。 四、校長營造溫馨關懷的校園文化,使校園滿懷溫情、和諧與分享;建立 樂於永續傳承的校園文化,讓全員參與校園管理工作;及追求卓越的 校園文化,帶領教師、學生及全校邁向卓越。 五、校長的文化領導分為三個階段:篳路藍縷階段,致力於校園環境的營 造;辛勤灌溉階段,重視學生學習與教師成長;蓬勃發展階段,發展 學校特色。 六、校長文化領導的策略為:共塑願景並落實執行、擔任首席教師帶領教 師專業成長、以人文關懷型塑學校文化、建立分工合作的組織團隊、 以故事化將意義深植。 七、校長實施文化領導時因為三個階段的不同,而有內部與外部的挑戰。 內部挑戰包括:校舍的建造、教師的成長、學生的學習、制度的建立 與推動、以及文化的型塑;外部的挑戰包括:社區關係的建立、家長 對學校的參與及支持。 八、校長實施文化領導時因為三個階段的不同,而有內部與外部的因應策 略。內部的因應策略為在建校時兼顧建設與保育、提升教師專業能 力、以扎實的學習活動奠定學生基礎、建立可長可久的制度、以推動 願景型塑學校文化;外部的因應策略為:積極與社區溝通協商、安排 各式活動讓家長參與。 九、校長實施文化領導時運用多重架構,在結構性架構、人力資源架構、 政治架構、符號架構的技術性層面,表達出象徵性意涵。 本研究之建議為: 一、對於個案校長及個案學校的建議 (一)個案校長可以適當的調整腳步 (二)個案學校可以持續正向的學校文化 二、對於新設校創校校長的建議 (ㄧ)充實校園環境規劃的知能,建造校園成為學生體驗與學習的場域。 (二)建立永續經營的願景以帶動學校文化。 三、對於一般學校校長的建議 (ㄧ)營造溫馨關懷的友善校園。 (二)善用符號型塑學校文化。 四、對教育行政機構的建議 (ㄧ)規劃校長職前及在職進修,加強校長文化領導的能力。 (二)關注學校經營成效,給予切合需求的補助。 五、對未來相關研究的建議 (ㄧ)針對不同校齡的學校校長進行研究。 (二)採取完全參與的研究方法。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the belief, the implementation, and the strategy of the cultural leadership advocated by this principal. A principal from elementary school had proposed the topic of shaping a school culture and had been awarded the excellence prize by the Ministry of Education. The study also investigates the challenge encountered and the strategy employed by the principal while she was implementing the cultural leadership. The study investigates thoroughly the cultural leadership conducted by this excellent principal through characteristic study. The information used in this study is collected and compiled in various ways, including detailed interview, documentary analysis, thinking remarks etc. The Conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. The cultural belief advocated by the principal is as follows: (1)With respect to the school culture: A school without culture is just like a concrete jungle. (2)With respect to the student culture: Student is the main body of a school. One must guide a student properly so that he or she is glad to learn. (3)With respect to the teacher culture: Activities must be participated by all teachers. Teachers must get along with each other harmonically. Also, a teacher must cultivate the capability of continuous creation. 2. The implementation of cultural leadership including: Establishs an ever-growing campus environment, a warm campus, a sustained campus culture, and the school culture aimed at pursuing brilliance. 3. The principal has established an ever-growing campus environment including: The humanity campus educates a student to love and respect each other. The ecology campus presents a good material for life education. The technology campus makes the campus be imbued with smack of technology. And the artistic campus enables one to experience and realize the artistic creation. 4. The principal builds a warm campus. This makes the campus full of harmony, care and the share. The principal builds a sustained campus culture. This enables all members of the school to participate the work associated with campus management. The school culture aimed at pursuing brilliance also guides all the teachers and students to go toward the brilliance and excellence. 5. The cultural leadership of the principal can be divided into three stages. The first stage is a pioneering period. All efforts devoted in the first stage are used to establish a campus environment. The second stage is a period of irrigation. Emphasis is put on the learning of a student and the growing of a teacher during the second stage. The third stage is a period with vigorous development. The objective to be reached during the third stage is to develop the feature of the school. 6. The strategies employed in the cultural leadership of the principal include forming a mutual vision, leading the teacher toward the professional growing, shaping the school culture through humanity care, organizing a team to share the work, and embedding the significance deeply into one’s mind. 7. The Principal implements when the cultural leadership because of three stage difference, but has the interior and the exterior challenge. The internal challenge includes: The school building construction, teacher's growth, student's study, system's establishment and the impetus, as well as the culture models. The exterior challenge includes: The community relates establishment, guardian to school participation and support. 8. The Principal implements when the cultural leadership because of three stage difference, but has the interior and the exterior strategy. The internal strategy includes: Constructing the timing proper attention to both construction and the care, promotes the teacher specialized ability, lays the student foundation by the solid learning activity, the estabilishment may long be possible the long system, to impel the prospect to model the school culture. The exterior strategy includes: Communicates the consultation with the community, to arrange various types activity positively to let the guardian participation. 9. The principal makes use of multiple constuction: structural frame, politial frame, human resource frame, symbol frame. And presents symbolic significance in the technical. The Recommendations are summarized as follows 1. Recommendation for the case principal and case school. (1) The case principal may the suitable adjustment footsteps. (2) The case school may continue the positive school culture. 2.Recommendation for the principal of a new primary school. (1) A principal should enrich himself or herself with the knowledge and capability of planning campus environment and construct the campus properly (2) A principal should establish the sustained vision which manages to lead the shool culture. 3.Recommendation for the principal. (1) A principal should build the warm caring friendly campus. (2) A principal should make good use of symbol to model the school culture. 4. Recommendation for educational administration organization. (1)Plan courses for principal to strengthen the cultural leadership ability. (2)Give the suitable subsidy because of school management result. 5. Recommendation for future related study. (1) A research in the future also needs to be conducted against principals of different school ages. (2) A research in the future can be conducted using the method of full participation.




張雄騰(2011)。耕耘~另一畝心田 一位卓越校長的學校經營〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100477
