  • 學位論文


Discourse on Construction of Cultural Context in  Taiwanese Art Direction for Cinema from 1945 to  2017

指導教授 : 黃承令


台灣電影在國際影展舞台屢受肯定,象徵台灣電影已建立了具有台灣美學特色的電影美術造型風格。但是,部份電影的成就並不代表電影美術專業的理論成就。台灣電影美術的作品成果與其創作者的研究,長期以來處於被忽視的狀態,這與台灣電影的成長脈絡並不相符,甚至影響並制約了台灣電影的整體發展。 事實上,台灣電影美術的歷史是從台灣傳統戲曲佈景逐漸發展成為現今分工齊全的電影主要創作部門,是一項既獨立又須整合的電影專業技術。在幾代電影創作者和電影美術工作者的共同努力下,已經形塑了俱有台灣主體美學特色的美術造型特徵。這使《1945-2017文化語境下建構的台灣電影美術》研究範圍的時間軸向上,存在著非常豐富的造型風貌。加上「電影美術」有其獨特的具象視覺真實性,在長時間的傳承中不會遭受竄改。以「文化語境」對照台灣「電影美術」的發展,互為經緯文本參照,將可真確交織出台灣歷史發展中被隱蔽的部分。更是歸納台灣電影美術的創作規律和工作者的創作成果,梳理台灣電影美術的發展軌跡與同時間文化語境的相互關聯性,企盼能為往後的台灣電影美術實踐有積極的指導和借鑒作用,不僅挖掘台灣電影美術史料,並記取幾代電影美術工作者創作中的經驗與教訓。


Taiwanese films have repeatedly gained recognition in the international film festival arena, symbolizing that Taiwanese films have established a film art modeling with Taiwanese aesthetic characteristics. However, the achievements of some films do not represent those theoretical achievements of art direction for cinema profession. Research on the results of Taiwanese art direction for cinema and their creators has long been neglected. This is not consistent with the growth of Taiwanese films, and affects and constraints the overall development of Taiwanese films. In fact, the history of Taiwanese art direction for cinema gradually underwent development from the traditional Taiwanese opera scenes into today’s main film creation sectors with a complete division of labor, which is an independent and integrated professional film technology. Under the concerted efforts of film creators and film artists, the art modeling with Taiwan’s principal aesthetic characteristics have taken shape. This has resulted in a rich style in terms of the timeline of the research scope of “Discourse on Construction of Cultural Context in Taiwanese Art Direction for Cinema from 1945 to 2017”. In addition, “art direction for cinema” has a unique visual authenticity not subject to alteration as it was passed down over time. With “cultural context” relative to Taiwanese “art direction for cinema” development as each other’s text reference, the hidden parts of Taiwan’s historical development can be truly interwoven. Meanwhile, the creation rules of Taiwanese art direction for cinema and the creative achievements of workers sort out the development trajectory of Taiwanese art direction for cinema and the interrelationship with the cultural context at the same time, in the hope of providing positive guidance and reference for Taiwanese art direction for cinema implementation in the future, exploring the historical materials of Taiwanese art direction for cinema, and remembering the experience and lessons of several generations of art direction for cinema workers.


大衛•波德威爾(Bordwell, D.)(2003),〈香港電影的秘密:娛樂的藝術〉(何慧玲譯),海南:海南出版社。
王君琦、施如芳等 (2017),〈百變千換不思議—台語片的混血與轉化〉,台北:聯經出版公司,頁66。
