  • 學位論文


A Study of Implementation of School-Based Curriculum Evaluation in Taoyuan County Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 楊慶麟


摘 要 本研究旨在調查桃園縣國民小學學校本位課程評鑑目前實施的情況,以教師個人背景作變項,探討不同背景變項的教師對學校本位課程評鑑實施現況看法之差異情行。 根據研究目的,收集與分析相關文獻資料,綜合歸納後,經由十六位專家進行內容效度及預試,據以編製「桃園縣國民小學學校本位課程評鑑實施現況之研究問卷」為試測工具,以桃園縣國小教師(校長、主任、組長、級任教師與科任教師)為研究對象,共發出1390份問卷,獲得1081份有效問卷,採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗及單因子變異數分析等統計方法,進行資料分析與處理。本研究獲致之發現與結論如下: 一、進行學校本位課程評鑑時,由學校行政人員優先擔任評鑑制度設計人員;校內評鑑小組成員則是由主任優先擔任;課程發展部分是優先著重的評鑑範圍;學校自我評鑑是優先採用的方式;評鑑資料蒐集方式則優先採用教師自行製作、提供教學歷程檔案;評鑑結果優先運用於作為課程改進的依據。 二、進行學校本位課程評鑑,在課程規劃、設計、實施、實施成果層面,優先著重的評鑑項目分別是進行學校需求評估、課程內容符合學生學習需求、教師的教學方法運用、學生的學習表現與教師的專業成長。 三、實施成效為中等達成程度;且受到性別、服務年資、職務、最高學歷、是否擔任課程發展會委員、是否曾參與學校本位課程評鑑相關研習、學校規模的影響。 四、實施困境為中上遭遇程度;且受到職務的影響,在實施困境的教師心理層面則受到服務年資、是否曾參與學校本位課程評鑑相關研習的影響。 五、配套措施為中下採用程度;且受到性別、服務年資、職務、最高學歷、是否擔任課程發展會委員、是否曾參與學校本位課程評鑑相關研習、學校規模的影響。 根據以上研究結果提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未 來研究者參考。


Abstract This study focuses on the investigation on the implementation of school-based curriculum evaluation in Taoyuan County elementary schools. Based on the variable of the individual background, to analyze the differences on the teachers within different backgrounds to the implementation of school-based curriculum evaluation. Depending on the research purposes, the related documents and information and induction, “Questionnaire of Implementation of School-Based Curriculum Evaluation in Taoyuan County Elementary Schools” was designed as the test tool after sixteen experts examining the content validity of the instrument and thereby doing pilot test. The subjects were teachers ( including principals, directors, section chiefs, homeroom teacher, and subject teacher) from elementary schools in Taoyuan. 1081 valid questionnaires were retrieved. Data analysis was processed with the following methods: frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA. The results revealed from this study and the conclusions as below: 1.The persons who are most suitable for joining in designing evaluation mechanism are school administrators ( including principals, directors, section chiefs);directors are the first priority selected members on the evaluation group; curriculum development is the first selection on the evaluation; the school self –evaluation is the first selection on the implementation strategy; the teaching portfolio arrangement is the first selection on the implementation of the data collection; the final evaluation data will be applied on the curriculum improvement firstly. 2.Processing the school-based curriculum ranged the curriculum planning, designing , implement, and the implement result within the elementary schools in Taoyuan County. The first concerns include the school requirement evaluation, the curriculum matched the request of students’ learning, the teaching implement, the learning performance from students and the teachers’ professional upgrade. 3.The achievement level on the implement efficiency of the school-based curriculum evaluation was medium level. The obvious differences related on the gender, seniority, job position, the highest educational background, the teachers if serving as a member of school-based curriculum development committee, the related seminars on school-based curriculum evaluation teachers took, and the size of school. 4.The enforcing degree on the difficulty of implementing school-based curriculum evaluation was over medium level. The obvious differences related on the job status. Furthermore, under the phrase of the teachers’ psychoanalysis , the seniority and the related seminars on school-based curriculum evaluation teachers took were also obvious differences. 5.The utility level on the offset measure of implementing school-based curriculum evaluation was upper medium level. The obvious differences of the offset measure related on gender, seniority, job status, the highest educational background, the teachers if serving as a member of school-based curriculum development committee, the related seminars on school-based curriculum evaluation teachers took, and the size of school. All the conclusions above proposed by the author as reference for schools, educational authorities, and future researchers.


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