  • 學位論文


An Action Research on the Application of Cooperative Learning in the Sixth-Grade Science and Technology Classes

指導教授 : 張世忠


國小自然與生活科技領域實施合作學習之行動研究 中文摘要 本研究之主要目的,在於探討使用學生小組成就區分法(STAD)的合作學習教學策略,對國小高年級學童在自然與生活領域學習成效及學習興趣之影響,本研究採行動研究法,以研究者所任教的三個六年級班級學生為研究對象,分為實驗組與對照組,實驗組並再分為同質分組與異質分組兩種模式,進行為期兩個月、兩個單元的合作學習教學活動,實驗組學生接受合作學習法的教學策略,對照組則接受一般的傳統教學,研究過程中並透過定期評量、問卷、訪談、教學日誌、教學省思及學生文件等方式,來蒐集相關資料,並以量化及質性資料分析的方式,來探究國小六年級學生在自然領域的學習成效、並進一步了解學生在合作學習的教學過程中對其學習興趣的影響、及研究者在教學現場所遭遇的問題,藉此來提升教師的專業教學成長。 彙整本研究結果、可歸納為如下五項: 一、實施合作學習的教學策略於國小高年級自然與生活科技領域,學生的學習成效有顯著之進步。 二、實施合作學習的教學活動,對國小高年級中、低階能力學童的學習成效,有顯著之提升。 三、實施合作學習的教學策略於國小高年級自然與生活科技領域,對於施行同質分組與異質分組的教學模式,學生學習成效無明顯差異。 四、實施合作學習的教學策略於國小高年級自然與生活科技領域,有助於提升國小學童對自然領域的學習興趣 五、實施合作學習教學的行動研究,有助於教師教學專業的成長。 本研究結果顯示,採「學生小組成就區分法」的合作學習教學策略,有助於提升國小高年級學童對自然科學的學習興趣與學習成效,可作為未來國小教師在自然領域教學的參考。 關鍵字:合作學習、學生小組成就區分法、自然領域、學習成效、行動研究


An Action Research on the Application of Cooperative Learning in the Sixth-Grade Science and Technology Classes Abstract The aim of this study is to explore the influences of the teaching strategy based on cooperative learning in the mode of Student’s Team Achievement Division (STAD) on the primary school higher grade students in their learning performance and learning interest in the Science and Technology Classes. The study was conducted based on the action research. Sixth-grade students in three classes instructed by the researcher were accepted as the samples in the research, and were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The students in the experimental group were further grouped in two modes, namely, homogenous ability grouping and heterogeneous ability grouping. Teaching activities based on the cooperative learning were conducted for two teaching units for two months. The students in the experimental group received the teaching strategy of cooperative learning, while the students in the control group received the traditional teaching method. In the process of the research, related data were collected through different ways, including periodic assessment, questionnaire, interview, teaching log, review of teaching and learning process, and students’ papers; and the collected data are subjected to quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis, so as to explore the sixth-grade students’ learning performances in the Science and Technology Classes, and to further understand the influence of the teaching process based on cooperative learning on the students’ interest in learning, as well as the difficulties encountered by the researcher in the teaching site, enabling teachers’ growth in the professional instruction field. The results from this research may be concluded as follows: 1. The application of teaching strategy based on cooperative learning in the primary school higher grade Science and Technology Class apparently helps the students to achieve significant progress in their learning performance. 2. The teaching based on cooperative learning apparently helps primary school higher grade students with middle to low level learning ability to significantly improve their learning performance. 3. In the application of teaching strategy based on cooperative learning in the primary school higher grade Science and Technology Class, no significant difference is found in students’ learning performance between the two teach modes based on homogenous ability grouping and heterogeneous ability grouping. 4. The application of teaching strategy based on cooperative learning in the primary school higher grade Science and Technology Class is helpful in increasing primary school students’ interest in learning science and technology. 5. The action research on the teaching based on cooperative learning is helpful in the teachers’ growth in their professional teaching. As indicated by the research results, the teaching strategy based on cooperative learning in the mode of Student’s Team Achievement Division (STAD) is helpful in increasing primary school higher grade students’ interest and performance in learning science and technology. These findings may be used as reference for primary school teachers in their future teaching in the science and technology class. Key words: Cooperative learning, STAD (Student’s Team Achievement Division), Science and Technology Area, Learning performance, Action research




