  • 學位論文


A Study of Internet Impulse Buying from Female Clothing Portrayal Perspective

指導教授 : 林瓊菱 葉金燦


過去的社會多以父權為主,使得女性在思想、穿著、價值觀,甚至在教育等方面皆受到控制及壓抑,而隨著時代的變遷及女權運動的興起,再加上女性消費能力比以往提升許多,另外網路購物的便利性,使得現今社會中的女性在購買服裝、穿著打扮及購後所產生的罪惡感,是否仍受到父權主義的影響或是因為能夠吸引異性等原因進而衝動性購買該服裝?還是已跳脫出這舊有的框架、拋開父權主義的束縛,體認到女性的穿著打扮應是為了自己,並藉以提升其自信、魅力?因此本研究的研究目的為,探討女性在購買服裝是為了吸引異性而衝動性購買,還是為了增加其自信、魅力而衝動性購買,藉以探討女性服裝描繪在衝動性購買中的影響。另外,網站設計中生動、活潑的圖片及廣告等視覺設計,是否會引起消費者衝動性購買的慾望;又或是會因為網站設計具有專業性(易於瀏覽)等因素,進而引發對服裝的衝動性購買行為。最後亦探討消費者是否會因為衝動性購買服裝而產生罪惡感之負面情緒。 本研究之研究對象訂為北部(桃園)地區25至35歲曾於網路上購買過服裝之消費者做為問卷發放之對象,共計發放503份,剔除無效問卷87份,有效問卷共計416份,有效率為82.70%。根據本研究結果發現,女性服裝描繪對衝動性購買有顯著影響,女性不再是以男性的角度來看待服裝,也不是為了取悅男性而聽從其意見或建議,反而是從女性本身的觀點、看法來評斷服裝對男性是否具有性吸引力,一旦女性認為該服裝能夠吸引異性或能展露其優點,則會表現出衝動性購買的行為。視覺設計對女性服裝描繪亦有顯著影響,色彩豐富、精心設計的視覺版面製作的網頁設計使女性的購物方式及購物地點已從過去的實體商店轉變為網路商店,也代表著女性的購物方式已不被男性、經濟因素或其他因素限制,女性可在網路上自由選擇所想買的服裝、髮飾等。視覺設計對衝動性購買有顯著影響,精心設計的網頁或網站搭配各式圖片或照片會使消費者產生購買慾望,進而引發衝動性購買行為。


The traditional patriarchal ideology of “Three Obediences and Four Virtues” regulates women’s performance and behavior for centuries. The women right movement gradually modifies the concept that increase women’s participation in educations, economical activities, and politics. The changing provokes women’s consumption which stimulates another discussion of whether women’s dressing behaviors can speed away under patriarchal ideology or not. The study is to figure out women’s impulse consumption behavior for clothing via internet. The purpose is to recognize the motivation of clothing impulse purchasing is to upgrade self-confidence or sex appeal. Besides, the study would like to figure out whether the successful visual design of webpage and clothing portrayal has higher possibility to arouse higher sale volume, the following negative emotional guilty is enclosed in discussion. The study focus on northern population (Taoyuan) whose age is around 25 -35 years old, have on-line clothing purchasing experience. The total 503 copies of questionnaire are submitted. The returned valid questionnaires are 416 copies; the valid rate is 82.7%. The findings indicate the clothing portrayal is a significant factor to arouse impulse purchasing. Women stand on their point of view to select clothing rather than blindly accepting men’s opinion. Impulse purchasing would happen when women believe the certain clothing portrayals can highlight their figure strength and catch men’s sight. The visual design of webpage also occupy significant factor to keep women gazing on clothing portrayals. Colorful and delicate visual communication of on-line shopping has successfully become a distribution channel to deliver product sand services. Women can freely browse in virtual on-line store to select their favorite clothing portrayals and accessories. The limitations such as financial budget or men’s comment can be ignored. Perfect photo illustration and product matching can motivate consumer’s desire and finally impulse purchasing phase.


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