  • 學位論文


An action research: Application of a digital game assessment in English vocabulary learning for primary-school lower graders

指導教授 : 簡志峰


隨著科技化的發達,數位化的教學方式如雨後春筍般的展開,洪碧霞(1998)指出電腦輔助評量使長期處於成績掛帥升學壓力下的學生有較高的興趣,可減低注意力不集中的誤差。Jorgensen 和Shymansky(1996)主張評量具有執行教學目標、監控達成目標的過程、明確的改變教師角色的功能,應是教育改革的中心。本研究的目的在於教師藉由康軒出版社的英語單字遊戲軟體,代替傳統枯燥的紙筆評量,以生動活潑的方式呈現在學生眼前,扭轉國小低年級學生對英文科單字識字學習上評量的觀感,因教師無法在成績中了解學生的學習動機的心理變化,故不著重以「分數」的形式進行評量,而以質化研究觀察學生學習動機的改變,進而改善學生的學習成效,並依據研究結果提出建議。本研究為了解決教學上的實務問題,並希望可得知ARCS動機模式在數位遊戲評量的學習動機上的評估,故依據Keller(1983)所提的ARCS動機模式,其中包含四個向度:A(attention,注意)、R(relevance,相關)、C(confidence,信心)、S(satisfaction,滿足)進行行動研究及內容分析,完成10次教室觀察記錄表及18次的半開放式訪談記錄表,藉由錄音記錄以及當場的小札記,整理訪談的逐字稿,在研究過程中不斷的觀察、反思、檢討和修正,解決教師在課堂上遇到的實務教學難題,最後,進行內容分析法發現四個向度均有高頻率的接收與刺激,在注意向度中,有28.7%的編碼因注意力使他們樂於參與學習,26.4%的相關向度表示學生會將所學連接日常生活,24.1%的信心向度顯示學生從被動學習變成主動學習,20.6%的滿足向度說明學生在其中提昇得到不少的滿足感,研究建議在評量學習中包含遊戲的要素,藉此引起參與學習的興趣,進而引導出自律和自主學習。


As science and technology developed, digitized teaching methods have been proceeding rapidly. Hong (1998) pointed out that computer-assisted assessments evoke student interests and decrease their inattention issues. Jorgensen and Shymansky (1996) performed an assessment advocating the teaching objectives and monitoring the process of achieving the goals. The purpose of this study was to use a digital game assessment, instead of the traditional assessment, for reversing primary-school students’ perceptions of English vocabulary learning. Because teachers do not understand students’ motivation changes, they should not only focus on the quantitative change of assessments. This qualitative study investigated how students’ learning motivation changed and how their learning outcomes were improved. For solving practical problems caused by traditional assessments, the ARCS motivation model assessment were applied into the digital game assessment. Four ARCS Motivation Model constructs (Keller, 1983), A (attention), R (relevance), C (confidence) and S (satisfaction), were included for instructional design, data collections and analyses. Designing in an action research project the participants were 15 primary-school students, an English instructor and two parents. The research also collected the data of 10 classroom observation reports and 18 semi-structured interviews. Through the process of continuous observations, reflections, reviews and amendments, we found four ARCS Motivation Model constructs received high effects. 28.7% of content coding indicated that students enjoyed the digital game assessments on the attention construct, 26.4% related to their life experiences on the relevance construct, 24.1% changed from passive learning to active learning on the confidence construct, and 20.6% satisfied their learning of the assessment on the satisfaction construct. This study suggested that educators should add more gaming components in assessments. Because of gaming, students will be interested in participating in more self-disciplined and autonomous learning.


史美瑤. (2012)。21世紀的教學:以「學生學習為中心」的教師發展。評鑑雙月刊,36,42-44.
