  • 學位論文


The Foreign Language Effect on Moral Decision Making: Emotional Processes of Chinese-English Bilinguals

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑


近期研究發現,在完全相同的故事情境下,雙語者使用外語閱讀道德難題時,比起使用母語時,更傾向做出效益決定及判斷(utilitarian judgment and decision)。這種因為使用不同語言,而使得決定判斷不同的現象學者稱為「外語效果」(the foreign language effect,FLe)。然而文獻上對於外語效果是如何產生的,並無一致的解釋。這個領域的研究,近年來逐漸聚焦在「情緒」這個因子上。因此本研究要透過兩個實驗,看情緒是否是產生外語效果的主要原因。實驗一目的在複製過去文獻發現的外語效果,利用六題兩難困境,分別讓受試者以中英文來閱讀,並詢問在此情境下做出效益判斷是否恰當。結果發現,並非只有情緒反應較高的困境會有外語效果,尤其在非道德的故事中,發現了明顯的外語效果。在實驗二中,利用促發派典(priming paradigm),操弄促發詞情緒價性,來探討中英文情緒詞對於受試者面對社會議題時,其態度是否會因為促發詞的情緒價性改變。實驗同時問受試者認為社會大眾,以及他本人對該議題的看法。此實驗同時記錄行為及ERPs結果,選擇與與議題取相關的N400 ,以及和資訊整合及情緒反應的LPP, 這兩個成分作分析。實驗結果顯示,受試者認為社會大眾對議題的看法及他個人的看法,受到使用的語言及情緒價性所影響,正向情緒詞引導到正向態度;負向情緒詞引導到負向態度。目標詞的N400的平均振幅在中文組顯著低於英文組,並且受到促發詞的情緒價性調節。負向促發詞在個人觀感,相較於社會觀感完全不影響對議題的態度。目標詞的 LPP 在社會觀感振幅小於在個人觀感。顯示使用外語的情況下,在產生個人道德判斷時,對於負向詞彙連結減弱,使得態度較不受情緒操弄影響,比起使用母語時一致。


Previous studies revealed that people tended to make more unbiased decision and utilitarian judgments and decision when dilemma problems were written in a foreign language (FL) rather than in the native language (NL). This phenomenon called as “the foreign language effect (FLe)” which was repeatedly found in many kinds of decision making studies. The present studies aims to focus on the mechanism of FLe, specially the impact of emotion. Two experiments were designed to investigate how emotion and languages interact with each other to influence Chinese-English bilinguals’ moral judgments. The first experiment was to replicate the previous finding that people make more utilitarian judgments in high-emotional dilemmas when the scenarios were presented in English. Results showed partial replication of the FLe. And in non-moral dilemmas, there was a robust FLe. The second experiment introduced priming paradigm to manipulate emotion, thus influence participants’ attitudes toward social issues. Both behavioral and ERPs data collected. Participants were randomly assigned to two language groups. They first saw emotion-oriented primes in either Chinese or English, and then were asked to make positive or negative judgments on presented social issues. N400 and LPP indicated the meaning construction and emotional responses, respectively. Results revealed that participants in English group were less affected by emotion-oriented primes, and therefore, social and personal attitudes were more consist than in Chinese group. N400 was modified by languages and emotional valence of the primes. N400 amplitudes were more negative-going in Chinese than in English. On the other hand, LPP were more pronounced in positive-prime condition than in negative-prime condition. Overall, emotion was more influential in NL than in FL. Moreover, emotional connotation was weak in retrieving negative association. The present studies showed that emotion was a key factor driven the FLe.


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