  • 學位論文


A Study on the Determinants of Energy Efficiency for the Mega-Watt Energy Users in Hospital Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林晉勗 林師模


為減緩氣候變遷,世界各國均致力於能源節約,且根據IEA (2012) 的報告顯示,能源使用效率提升及能源節約是當前最主要的CO2排放量工具,尤其是電力節約的部份,可為排放減量帶來50%的貢獻。各產業的能源消耗管理,應以能源總消耗量大,且單位面積能源消費量比較高的產業先著手,服務業中,除了運輸業之外,單位面積能源使用量較高的產業依次為批發零售業、旅館業以及醫療服務業,其中,國內尚無文獻針對醫院業探討能源使用效率的影響因素,因此本論文以醫院業能源大用戶的資料,探討影響醫療產業能源使用的特色,以及影響能源使用效率的因素有那些。 根據實證結果發現,建築物平均年齡、營業樓地板面積、床位密集度、員工密集度、單位能源成本是影響能源使用效率的關鍵因素。此外,若將醫院按類型區分為醫學中心、區域醫院、地區醫院,則可發現在不同組別的樣本,各因素對EUI的邊際影響效果有明顯的變化。基於此,能源主管機關或企業經營者在醫院制定能源管理策略時,必需針對不同類型的醫院規劃其節能目標或能源使用效率基準值,所以也必需考量各用戶特性的不同,方能制定合理的節能目標。


In order to prevent climate change, the world has put effort in saving energy. However, according to the World Energy Outlook 2012, the most important tool is to use the energy effectively and to save energy use at the same time. Especially, electricity saving could contribute 50% to the reduction of CO2 emissions in 2020. The energy management should firstly focus on the industries with high total energy use and high energy intensity. For the service sectors, the industries with higher energy intensity are wholesale and retail trade industry, hotel industry and hospital industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that will influence hospital's energy efficiency. According to research finding, the result shows that the aging of the building, operating area scale, dispersion of hospital bed, employee intensity, and the unit cost of energy are key factors that will influence energy efficiency for hospital. Based on these factors, the energy administration or business operators to develop energy management strategies at the hospital, must consider distinct energy conservation plans and consumption efficiency reference value for different type of hospitals in order to develop a reasonable energy-saving goals.


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