  • 學位論文


Applications of Ten Famous Mathematicians’ Theorems in Junior High School Education Field

指導教授 : 王牧民


本研究旨在探討國民中學階段的數學定理。藉由探討數學定理,並將定理進行統整歸納後,再次檢視現今臺灣基礎教育之國民中學階段(七至九年級)數學課程。在課程領域中以該定理為主題,配合發明或歸納該定理之數學家與其相關背景介紹,以強化目前國中數學領域對於數學發展的歷史背景以及相關典故教材之不足。希望藉此提升國中學生在數學領域的學習能力,讓學生除了能利用舊經驗解題之外,也能建構新觀念,並有能力呈現邏輯清晰的解題歷程,亦期能給予中學教師在教學上得以旁徵博引,滿足學生在學習上的需求,提升數學多元思考之動機。   本研究經由文獻探討與試題分析後獲得以下結論: 一、 藉由探討國中數學領域課程傳授之相關數學定理及其背景資料補充,深化學生對數學定理之理解,並達到激發學生學習熱情的效果。 二、 培養學生創造思考的能力,提升數學學習興趣。 三、 運用不同時空的數學家對於數學知識之理解與相互影響關係,擴展學生對於數學問題之認知能力與思考彈性,啟發多元思考的精神。 關鍵字:數學定理、數學家


數學定理 數學家


This study was designed to investigate the mathematical theorems after Integrating and being summarized these theorems again. In curriculum areas to the theme of this theorem, with the invention of the theorem of the mathematician or summarized background information related thereto, in order to strengthen the country in the field of mathematics historical background to the development of mathematics and shortcomings of current teaching materials related to the story. We are hoping to enhance the country's high school students learning ability in mathematics, so that students can use in addition to the old problem-solving experience, but also can construct new concepts, and the ability to render clear and logical problem-solving course. There are three conclusions from the study: First, by mathematical theorem explore and deepen students' understanding, and inspire students' passion to achieve results. Second, training students' creative ability to think, to enhance interest in learning mathematics. Third, introduce of different time mathematician to understand the mathematical knowledge, expand students' intellectual capacity, inspired by the spirit of pluralistic thinking. Keywords: Mathematical theorems, mathematicians


Lucas N. H Bun, Phillip S. Jones, Jack D. The Historical Roots of Elementary Mathematics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J:Prentice-Hall,1976.
一、 中文書目
比爾.柏林霍夫(William P. Berlinghoff)、佛南度.辜維亞(Fernando Q. Gouvêa)著;洪萬生、英家銘暨HPM團隊譯。溫柔數學史:從古埃及到超級電腦。台北市:博雅書屋,2008年。
