  • 學位論文


The Effects of Process-Oriented Limited Writing Instruction on Sixth-Grade Students’ Text Quality

指導教授 : 鄭淑芬


本研究的主要目的在探討整合歷程的限制式寫作教學對提升國小六年級學生寫作表現的成效。研究中的「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」係以過程導向寫作教學理念為基礎,針對兒童在寫作「計畫」、「轉譯」、「回顧」等歷程所需之協助,藉限制式寫作的「圖表式」、「圖表賞析式」、「賞析式」、「改寫式」、「仿寫式」、「擴寫式」、「改正式」等題型,及其與範文賞析、心智圖繪寫、同儕互校等策略之結合,設計形成一套重視過程性協助的寫作課程。 本研究以桃園縣祥安國小兩個六年級班級學生為對象,採準實驗不等組前後測設計,對實驗組班級實施「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」,對對照組班級實施「一般作文教學」,比較為期十二週,每週二節課的寫作教學前後,兩組學生在「寫作能力」及「寫作歷程表現」二方面的差異。資料處理以學生在「作文測驗」前測的總字數、「作文評分表」得分及「寫作歷程量表」前測分數為共變量,以不同教學方法為自變項,以後測與追蹤測的總字數及各項得分為依變項,進行共變數分析,藉以判別「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」之立即性與持續性效果。 研究結果顯示: 一、接受「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」之實驗組學生在作文測驗後測與追蹤測的總字數上,顯著優於對照組學生;表示「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」對於作文總字數的提高,具有立即性與持續性的效果。 二、接受「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」之實驗組學生其作文後測作品在作文評分表「組織結構」、「內容思想」、「可讀性」及「全量表」等各項得分上,顯著優於對照組學生;表示「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」對於此些寫作能力之提升,具有立即性的成效,但對於「基本機能」的立即影響不顯著。 三、接受「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」之實驗組學生其作文測驗追蹤測作品在作文評分表各個分量及全量表得分上,顯著優於對照組學生;表示「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」對於這些寫作能力之提升,具有持續性的效果。 四、接受「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」之實驗組學生在寫作歷程量表後測及追蹤測的各個分量及全量表得分上,顯著優於對照組學生;表示「整合歷程的限制式寫作教學」對於寫作歷程表現的促進,具有立即性與持續性的成效。


Process-oriented instruction has been regarded as the most effective method for students’ writing. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of “Process-Oriented Limited Writing Instruction” on sixth graders’ text quality. For promoting the efficiency of students’ three major writing processes: planning, translating (text production), and revising, the teacher led the students to read newspapers, discuss textual structures, draw mind maps, develop texts step by step, and exchang works for peer revising. This study adopted quasi-experiment design. Subjects were 61 sixth graders from two classes of Shiang-An Elementary School in Taoyuan County. The experimental group (n=31) was treated with “Process-Oriented Limited Writing Instruction”, whereas the control group (n=30) was instructed by the typical way via listing the discussion outline on the blackboard. Two models of instructions were conducted in 12 weeks. The subjects were tested three times: (a) a composition pretest and a Writing Process Scale pretest before the beginning of the experiment, (b) a composition posttest and a Writing Process Scale posttest followed the end of the experiment, and (c) a composition delayed posttest and a Writing Process Scale delayed posttest 3 weeks later. The total numbers of words in each composition test were compared by one-way ANCOVA. The scores on Writing Abilities Scales from each composition test were compared by one-way MANCOCA, so were the subjects’ responses to Writing Process Scales. Based on the data analyses, the major findings of the study were concluded as follows: 1. Differences between adjusted mean total numbers of words were significant for both posttest and delayed posttest, which suggests that compared to the typical writing instruction, “Process-Oriented Limited Writing Instruction” was beneficial for increasing students’ total composition words. 2. In terms of the scores on Writing Abilities Scales, differences between two groups’ scores on all subscales were significant except “the mechanical features of texts” subscale, which suggests that compared to the typical writing instruction, “Process-Oriented Limited Writing Instruction” was beneficial for improving the students’ writing abilities of “textual organization”, “content creating” and “textual readability”. 3. Differences between adjusted mean Writing Process Scale scores were significant for both posttest and delayed posttest, which suggests that compared to the typical writing instruction, “Process-Oriented Limited Writing Instruction” was beneficial for promoting the efficiency of students’ three major writing processes.




