  • 學位論文


Consumers’ Personal Traits and Their Interior Design Preferences: Case Study of Living Rooms

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 台灣的社會經濟日趨繁榮,人們對於居家環境及生活品質,已不若以往僅止於住的需求,消費者已非基於需要而消費,決定消費的因素,早已由「喜不喜歡」取代了「好不好」。然而人是獨立個體,擁有自由意志並因不同文化、教育背景而有所差異。個體之間既存在差異;同時又有共通性,認知不同,偏好必因人而異,室內設計是客製化的服務產業,近年來發展蓬勃滿足消費需求,但由於認知差距導致糾紛,為改善溝通方式,找出室內設計偏好的個體差異,明確了解委託者之需求,進而落實客製化的實質內涵。 本研究分別就18個室內設計類型,以因素分析法找出受偏好之風格,並從人口變項區辨個體偏好差異,輔以質性訪談深入探討,結果發現:人們偏好前三名之因素為:「全白極簡」、「裝飾造形」、「自然休閒」。偏好「全白極簡」之族群特徵為:著重實用機能、單身男性、具設計背景、偏好白色、年輕族群;而偏好「精緻古典」之特徵為:閩南族群、中、高齡族群、高中、職教育程度、崇尚西洋文化。總而言之,大部份的消費者偏好具現代感的設計;而個體變項以年齡、職業、社會階層與室內設計偏好差異最為顯著;教育與文化對個體偏好影響相較於個人經濟條件更為關鍵。


Abstract In the alleged modern society, living standard and quality to most people have surpassed mere sheltering demands; their consumption initiatives shift more or less to individuality, in addition to preferences. Even though interior design is custom made underlying a designer’s perceptual value, it is observable that they are often times dominated by the clients’ personal traits, or shaped according to egotistic values eventually. Thus, design outcome of unique cultural group and preferences reflected the intention of their owners and users to an observable extent. The distinction turns into a hurdle to the practice of interior design; there seems to be a need to better serve the client via more concrete acknowledgement of what they expect. To come to grips with the variety of perception, this study conducted a survey and interview of respondents. The subjects are asked to review 18 design patterns both quantitatively and qualitatively. Through data analyses, it is found that the most preferred design styles include, “All-White,” “Deco Look,” and “Natural and Relaxing.” The traits of those who take to the first type of style, include holistically, young single male, utilitarian, design related experts, and white-color worshipers. Comparatively distinctive to the previous group, those who are lured to “Classical and Exquisite” reveal such traits as middle-age, South-eastern Chinese, high school graduates, and Western culture lovers. As a whole, the majority of respondents show highest appreciation toward “modern” design styles; in addition, sharp distinction as to the preferences can be found in the perspectives of age, vocation, and social levels. Educational and cultural backgrounds take less effect on respondents’ preference toward interior design than personal economical capability.ead education and cultural influence are more critically affects an individual’s choice.


陳明陽(2010),〈美感生活型態對產品偏好的影響〉,國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 碩士學位論文。


