  • 學位論文


The Factors of Consumers’ Environmental Preference for the Hot-spring Hotels

指導教授 : 莊修田


本研究目的為了解消費者的生活型態,以及對溫泉旅館各空間環境偏好之情形,並探討受測者個人屬性與泡湯行為,其生活型態與對溫泉旅館各空間環境偏好是否有顯著的影響差異,以及三者間相互關聯的情形;最後,探討消費者之個人屬性與泡湯行為、生活型態與環境偏好對溫泉旅館整體印象的預測力為何。 本文將消費者對於溫泉旅館各空間環境偏好之評量工具分為三部份,分別是:個人屬性及泡湯行為資料表、生活型態量表、溫泉旅館客空間環境偏好量表。本研究將問卷結果進行量化研究,分析結果後發現:一、對於消費者的生活型態,經因素分析後可分為五個類型:1.「享樂主義型」、2.「都會時尚型」、3.「家庭同樂型」、4「休閒經濟型」、5「工作偏執型」。其中以消費者對「家庭同樂型」之傾向度最高。二、.消費者對溫泉旅館各空間環境偏好,本研究依隨機抽樣之15家溫泉旅館,依空間區域分為五類,分別為「門面外觀」、「用餐休憩」、「大眾湯池」、「家庭式湯屋」及「庭園景觀」。經因素分析後各萃取出三個構面,並召開專家會議予與命名。其中消費者對溫泉旅館各空間環境偏好度最高,分別為:「門面外觀因素二」,其空間特徵為「具主題性的鄉村渡假型」;「用餐休憩因素二」,其空間特徵為「落地窗戶外借景、視野綠化」;「大眾湯池因素三」,其空間特徵為「具現代感與神秘性之效果」;「家庭式湯屋因素三」,其空間特徵為「極簡的日式風格」;「庭園景觀因素一」,其空間特徵為「營造與自然結合之風格」。三、經迴歸分析後結果顯示,「庭園景觀因素一」可預測消費者對溫泉旅館整體印象高達65.5﹪的變異量(約佔預測量的73.5﹪),表示對整體印象有最高的解釋力。最後,本研究將根據研究結果提出建議,以做為相關學界、業界之參考。


This study aims at understanding consumers’ lifestyles and environmental preferences for the hot-spring hotels by means of random questionnaires. Different personalities and the behaviors of having hot-spring baths were analyzed to see if there is obvious difference between people’s lifestyles and preferences for the environment of hot-spring hotels and how the three variables are related. Finally, it is to study consumers’ personalities and their behaviors of having hot-spring baths, lifestyles and environmental preference for hot-spring hotels and find out how they affect the predictability of the overall impression of hot-spring hotels. The article shows that assessment of consumer preferences for the environment of hot-spring hotels can be divided into three parts: individuality and the information sheet of behaviors of having hot-spring baths, lifestyles tables and the environmental preferences for hot-spring hotels tables. This study quantified the results of the questionnaires and discovered the followings:a) according to the economic analysis, consumers’ lifestyles can be classified into five categories. 1) epicureans;2) metropolitan style;3) familistic people;4) economic holidaymakers;5) monomania. Among those consumers tend to agree to “familistic people” most. b) Concerning consumers’ preferences for the environment of hot-spring hotels, this study randomly chose fifteen different hot spring hotels and categorized their environments into five types. They are the external decorations, the dining and rest area, the public hot-spring pools, the family hot-spring rooms and the views of the gardens. After analyzing all the factors, three dimensions were obtained and some experts called a meeting to discuss the naming of the factors. Among the factors which consumers concern the environmental preference for the hot spring hotels, the first factor is “external decorations” factor two is the most important. Its spatial feature is “Resort villas with themes. The second one is “the dining and rest area” factor two and its spatial feature is “French window shows and green views”. “Public hot-springs factor three” and the spatial feature is “modern rooms with high privacy”. The fourth factor is “family hot-springs factor three” and its spatial feature is “extremely simple indoor Japanese styles”. The last factor is “the views of the gardens factor one”. The spatial feature is about “the comfortable making and blending of nature style”. c) The regressive analysis shows that “the views of the gardens factor one” can predict consumers’ overall impression of the hot-spring hotels up to 65.5% of variability (approximately about 73.5% of the predictability). This result also reveals that environmental preferences for the hot-spring hotels may influence consumers’ overall impression of the hotels. Last but not least, based on the results of the research, this study will offer some suggestions for consumers’ reference on the environmental preferences for the hot-spring hotels.




黃啟洲(2014)。探討鄰里公園恢復性環境設計之模式語言 — 以中壢市莒光公園與中正公園為例 —〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400058
