  • 學位論文


A Case Study of International Intermodal Logistics-Federal Corporation

指導教授 : 江長周


運輸問題不僅影響公司的營運成本,同時也維繫著客戶的信用和公司的商譽。因此,如何設計出適合實際操作的運輸模式以及如何規劃好運送路線並節省運費這是本研究的主要考量。 本研究以線性規劃法來規劃泰豐輪胎公司的最低運輸成本問題,根據從泰豐輪胎、海運公司、船務運輸等公司所蒐集之海運資料,分析國際複合式運輸中新興區域的運輸量、製造成本和轉運成本等問題,進而建立規劃模式,有效求解最適決策。 根據本研究結果顯示,由於大陸具有工資優勢,故規畫結果多由大陸九江廠出口為主,但若隨著工資逐漸調漲,部分訂單將轉由台灣基隆出口。此外,若九江廠產能下降或中壢廠產能提高,則基港之出口量也會提高。 本研究最大之貢獻在於將複雜的運輸問題濃縮為一線性規劃模式,決策者可以在極短的時間內根據不同情境做出最適的決策。


The transportation issue not only influences a company’s operating cost, it is also closely related to customer’s trust and company’s goodwill. Thus, the way to design a transportation model that is suitable for practical application and the way to plan the transportation route and save the transportation cost are the main considerations in the research. In this study, linear programming method is applied to plan the lowest transportation cost for Federal Corporation. Based on the ocean freight data collected from Federal Corporation, ocean freight companies and shipping and transportation companies, the transportation volume, the production costs and the transshipment costs in new international multimodal transportation regions are analyzed. In addition, a programming model is established based to solve the problems more effectively. The results show that, due to the lower wage rates in China, most tires ordered are produced in China and exported via JiuJiang port. However, as the wages are gradually increasing, some of the orders will be exported from Keelung port of Taiwan. Moreover, if the production capacity of JiuJiang factory decreases or if the production capacity of Jhongli factory increases, the export volume of Keelung port would increase. The biggest contribution of the research is that the complicated transportation issue is reduced to a simple linear programming model. The decision maker can make decisions under different situations in a very short time.


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