  • 學位論文


Analysis & experimental flight test of state of the art heavy load multi-rotor drone - suggestion of design of next generation drones

指導教授 : 陳夏宗 郭鎮銘




無人機 多旋翼 PID控制 重量變化 載重比


The UAV technology has been developed for many years, mainly in military use. However, with the development and downsizing of electronic components and software technology, the number of civilian drones has appeared in the past 10 years, but the real breakthrough is the advent of multi-axis-drone. Most of the multi-axis-drone are used for aerial photography, especially on the entertainment market. In the last five years, manufacturers have begun to extend the multicopter to the industrial market, including the mapping, building inspection, cargo transportation and pesticide spraying. The ability of the drone to carry weight and the ability dealing with weight changes will directly affect the success of many missions. This paper is in collaboration with ITRI, and the content will explore the development, stability, efficiency of the control system for high-load multicopter UAVs and the comparison with traditional helicopters. The experiment adopts the six-axis-drone provided by ITRI, which has 9kg load capacity. The experimental results will provide suggestions for the design of the next generation high-load multicopter UAV (including the automatic control system design).


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