  • 學位論文


A Study of Prison Industry Operation System-A Goal of Reinforcing Rehabilitation and Re-socialization of Inmates After Release

指導教授 : 張天一


摘 要 現代刑罰目的已非遠古時期之應報理論,即「以眼還眼」、「以牙還牙」或是「殺人者應償還性命」,而在於平衡行為人對社會或個人所產生危害,換言之,「罪責應與刑罰相當」,也就是罪責原則。行為人對其行為付出與社會隔離、失去自由及附隨而來許多限制外,矯正機關於此同時應針對行為人未來復歸社會,成功再社會化並不再犯罪施予積極之行刑處遇模式,而這也是我國及大多數先進國家主要的行刑之目的。 本論文研究目的在探討我國矯正機關作業及技能訓練之現況與問題,主要研究方法以搜集相關文獻、官方及實務運作資料,再自刑罰目的來討論作業之本質及目的,並討論作業及技能訓練與受刑人權利、義務間之關係,介紹英國、美國及澳洲關於作業及技能訓練辦理現況,分析我國目前作業及技能訓練實務困境及優、缺點,並參考國外制度及部分做法引進我國之可行性。最後試圖提出對受刑人再社會化制度建構之建議及想法,希望透過本研究可以提供矯正機關對於之作業及技能訓練制度的發展之參考。


Abstract The modern criminal justice nowadays is no longer followed the concept of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, but focused on the balancing between the danger made by the actor and its harms to the society or other people. In other words, the criminal responsibility, which also called as “the principle of criminal responsibility”, should be the same as punishment. The actors not only pay for their offenses by segregating from the society but be rehabilitated through various treatments in prison life, to support and educate them not to re-offend after release. This is the main purpose of corrections service in Taiwan and most developed countries. This paper will examine the development and dilemmas in Prison Industry in Taiwan by analysis of secondary data and official papers, to explore the main goal of prison industry and the relations between operation, skill training and inmates’ right and obligation. In addition, through the introduction and discussion of prison industry among UK, USA and Australia, we will analysis the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan Prison Industry and introduce feasible measures into consideration for future improvement. The article concludes with the construction of inmates’ re-socialization system progressively and understanding of operation and skill training development in all of its development in Taiwan.


許福生,亡羊補牢 啟動刑事政策變革,犯罪防治研究專刊第四期,法務部司法官學院,2015年4月,第23頁。
