  • 學位論文


Effects of Motivational Factors on Value Co-creation

指導教授 : 李正文


摘要 由於缺乏員工和組織間價值共創的相關研究,本研究以英國知識密集型之中小企業為例,探討企業以價值共創增進企業創新能力背後真正的激勵因素。透過線上問卷工具來蒐集英國知識密集型的企業數據,並以量化分析的方式處理調查結果。問卷有97個有效問卷,實證結果顯示,企業名聲、知識自我效能和組織獎勵是價值共創的顯著因素,而幫助他人的成就感和管理支持這兩項因素則為不顯著。基於這一實證結果,提出了與馬斯洛理論和競爭價值架構相關的管理意涵,以幫助英國知識密集型之中小企業加強組織內部的價值共創過程。


ABSTRACT Given the paucity in the current research on value co-creation between employee and organization, this research addresses what real incentives behind a value co-creation to enhance innovation capability in the context of knowledge-intensive firms in the UK, with an emphasis on SMEs. Quantitative method was implemented using online survey tool to collect data from knowledge-intensive firms in the UK. With 97 valid respondents, the empirical findings show that while reputation, knowledge self-efficacy and organizational rewards are found to be significant factors of value co-creation whereas enjoyment in helping others and management support are proven to be non-significant factors. Based on this empirical result, the managerial implications that relate to Maslow’s theory and competing values framework are proposed to help knowledge-intensive SMEs based in the UK enhance the value co-creation process inside the organization.


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