  • 學位論文


Research on Introducing Supplier Management Performance Indicators in a New Product Development Process

指導教授 : 郭財吉


隨著全球經濟環境的快速變遷,企業面臨產品生命週期縮短與全球化競爭等市場的高度壓力。為能在市場上勝出,供應鏈上至下游的管理整合相較以往更加重要與緊密,以最快的速度提供優質且低價之新產品來滿足終端市場需求。新產品開發的成功除了結合良好的內部開發流程,外部的供應商管理也趨於重要,須在有限的預算及規劃時間內完成產品的開發設計與產品驗證至上市,過程中供應商材料的交期延誤、品質疑慮等風險問題,會導致開發常態性拖延及影響上市計畫。為此,本研究透過建立供應商遴選的績效衡量評估模式,與建立供應商風險績效評估管理規劃,以多準則決策構面選擇適當的供應商合作夥伴,確保所選之供應商具有符合專案開發的需求,與檢視供應商績效表現,降低新產品開發的風險損失。希冀所得結論成果,能供後續學者參考與實務應用相結合,作為新產品開發供應商選擇最佳化決策參考依據。 新產品開發流程導入供應商管理績效評估指標,可達到以下效益: 1.本研究提供新產品開發供應商績效評估管理方法,幫助管理者以客觀量化數據進行供應商選擇的分析決策,以選出適合之供應商。 2.供應商績效指標在新產品開發過程中佔有重要之地位,不僅能幫助企業發現現況新產品開發期間的風險問題,同時藉由績效評估管理找出未來改善方向,當供應商改善之後,可藉由績效指標進行供應商定期監控以穩定品質狀況,管理現有合格供應商在新案開發績效欠佳的情況。


In recent years, the rapid changes in the global economic environment, especially companies are faced with high market pressures such as shortened product life cycles and global competition. In order to succeed in the market, the vertical integration of upstream and downstream management in the supply chain is more important than before, providing the high quality and low price new products to achieve the market requirement at the fastest speed. To be a successful development of new products, in addition to a good internal development process and external supplier management is also important. It is necessary to complete the development of products to the market within a limited budget and planning schedule. Bad lead time, poor quality, and other issues will lead to delays the schedule of development and affect the listing plan. In this research, we establish a supplier performance measurement evaluation model which is based on multi-criteria decision, and establish a supplier risk performance evaluation model at the same time. We focus on how to select an appropriate supplier, and to reduce the risk of new product development. It is hoped that the conclusions and results obtained can be combined with follow-up scholars' reference and practical application, as the basis for new product development suppliers to choose optimal decision-making. The following conclusions are obtained by this research: 1.This study provides new product development vendor performance assessment management methods to help managers select the appropriate suppliers. 2.The supplier performance index plays an important role, it not only helps companies find problems during the development process, but also finds future improvement directions. Through performance indicators, we can supervise supplier’s performance and keep the quality situation.


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