  • 學位論文


Constitutionality of Regulation of Tobacco and Liquor Advertising

指導教授 : 江耀國


雖然已有許多實證資料,證實菸酒對吾人的身體健康具有一定程度的負面影響,但一來其並非民法上不融通物,或刑法上違禁物的概念,二來菸酒對吾人的生活極度密切相關。在此情形下,國家對於菸酒的廣告管制,是必須有所權衡跟拿捏,以防因而過度侵害人民商業性言論的言論自由。廣告,在憲法言論自由的學理上,是屬於商業性言論的概念。在憲法言論自由的領域中,商業性言論在學理上的發展較晚,也一直較不受重視。著眼於商業性言論所具有的營利性質,其言論價值及應受保障的程度,於過往都是處於較低位階,甚至是不受言論自由所保護。不過,晚近美國聯邦最高法院及學說開始逐漸認為,商業性言論對於人民在做商業上抉擇時,所能提供的功用及效果,其實與其他非低價值的言論並無不同,而這也連帶影響了判斷國家對商業性言論所施予的限制是否合乎合憲性要求時的判準─Central Hudson test,在審查基準上,也出現了介於中度及嚴格審查基準的詮釋空間。研究之架構,第一章為導論,說明本論文的研究動機、研究範圍及研究問題。由於美國在言論自由的學理體系備臻完善,因此本文於第二章探討美國在商業性言論方面之內涵、發展及審查基準,從而整理與重新思考商業性言論的價值及其保護程度。第三章則將重心回歸國,整理並觀察商業性言論於我國的發展及審查操作,並比較與美國於論述發展上之差異。立基於前兩章對商業性言論價值及保護程度的理解,第四章則將重點放在我國限制菸品及酒類廣告所涉的合憲性爭議,觀察並試著解析相關系爭法規是否有合憲性的疑慮產生。最後,則於第五章將本論文在商業性言論的價值判斷、所受保障的範圍與程度,以及我國限制菸品與酒類廣告之合憲性上,做一歸納與結論。


Although there are plenty of scientific data confirm the negative impact of tobacco and alcohol to our health, they are neither nonnegotiable property nor contraband. Secondly, they both extremely close to our lives. In this situation, the regulation of tobacco and liquor advertising must be weighed to prevent the freedom of expression of commercial speech from being limited overly. Academically, advertising belongs to the concept of commercial speech of freedom of expression. Commercial speech was developed lately and has been neglected for a long time. Focusing on its profitable nature, the value and the degree of the constitutional protection of commercial speech has been treating in a lower level, even more, it had been deserved no constitutional protection. However, the recent U.S. Supreme Court and theories began to believe that the function and effect of commercial speech on commercial decision was nothing different with other non-low value speech, and this notion has affected the standard of review of Central Hudson test, which is the judicial review that judges the constitutionality of the regulation to commercial speech, between intermediate and strict scrutiny. As to the framework of the study, the first chapter describes motive, range and researchable questions. Because the freedom of expression in the U.S. well developed, chapter 2 discusses the meaning, development and standard of review of the commercial speech in the U.S., and rebuilds the value and the degree of the constitutional protection of commercial speech. Chapter 3 will observes the development and standard of review of commercial speech in Taiwan and compares the difference between Taiwan and U.S.. Basing on the realization of value and degree of the constitutional protection of commercial speech in former chapters, chapter 4 focuses the constitutionality of regulation of tobacco and liquor advertising, and trying to analyze whether the constitutionality of laws or regulations of concerns generated. Finally, chapter 5 will makes a conclusion on the value of commercial speech and the degree of the constitutional protection of commercial speech, and the constitutionality of the tobacco and liquor advertising.


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