  • 學位論文

職業安全衛生管理之關鍵因子研究-- 以ISO 45001:2018年版為例

A Study of Key Factors for Occupational Safety and Health Management ─ A Case of ISO 45001:2018

指導教授 : 呂志維


本研究在探討職業安全衛生管理系統之關鍵因子,而ISO 國際標準組織則針對職業安全衛生管理,於2018年3月推出ISO 45001職業安全衛生管理系統,目前對於這項新版管理系統的研究非常少,尤其是藉由多位管理系統專家認證經驗而研究、篩選出的關鍵因子,目前在台灣更是沒有任何學術上的論文研究。因此,本研究藉由這項新版的管理系統,跳脫國外文獻大多以組織績效及導入動機為主的研究架構,以台灣實際管理系統使用者的角色,結合國內多位管理系統專家的經驗,運用AHP層級分析法的理論依據及統計分析,以科學方法來建立職業安全衛生管理之關鍵因子。 本研究調查所得之資料先經調查對象資格鑑定,接著進行C.I.(Consistence Index)一致性指標及C.R.(Consistence Ratio)一致性比例二項評估指標審查,最後找出職業安全衛生管理之關鍵因子。研究結果如下: 1. 本研究的調查對象,平均擁有的管理系統證照數量為近6張,輔導/稽核年資平均為22年,輔導/稽核廠商數量平均為600家以上,符合管理專家資格要求。 2. 在第二層研究構面部份,輔導顧問認為最重要的為「領導」構面,稽核人員認為最重要為「績效評估」構面,全體問卷部份,以「領導」構面所佔權重最高。綜合數據顯示,「領導」構面及「績效評估」構面,為第二層構面最重要的關鍵評估構面。 3. 在整體職業安全衛生管理之關鍵因子部份,輔導顧問認為「5.1領導與承諾」最為重要,稽核人員則認為「9.1監督、量測、分析及績效評估」最為重要,全體問卷部份,以「9.1監督、量測、分析及績效評估」最重要,此三種類型,前八項關鍵因子佔全體相對權重近五成。綜合數據顯示,「9.1監督量測分析及績效評估」、「9.3 管理階層審查」及「5.3組織之角色、責任及職權之範疇」三項,是最重要的職業安全衛生管理關鍵因子,其相對權重超過全體權重的二成。本研究的特色與價值為: 1. 及時性:ISO 45001為ISO於2018年3月才推出之國際管理系統標準,目前廠商及驗證機構大都未開始進行導入、建置作業,因此,此研究對於準備建置ISO 45001管理系統之廠商,有其及時性的參考價值。 2. 價值性:目前台灣已申請TOSHMS 驗證的廠商約1000家,申請OHSAS 18001則有數千家,ISO國際標準組織推出ISO 45001後,在世界潮流及業界要求下,其申請ISO 45001驗證的廠商勢必大量增加,因此,此研究對於準備建置ISO 45001管理系統之廠商,有其參考價值性。 3. 專業程度較高:一般的問卷調查研究對象較無限制或為一般參與人員,而本研究的對象除了須有管理系統的專業輔導/稽核相關資格或證照外,亦須有10年及100家以上廠商的輔導/稽核資歷。因此專業程度及經驗遠非一般問卷對象可比擬的。 4. 實務性較高:一般職業安全衛生管理的相關研究,通常以推行動機、實施效益、績效評估、滿意度等,較為偏重於對組織的影響評估,本研究則以第一線輔導/稽核人員為對象,分析實際執行作業內容的認知和看法。 5. 稀有性:一般職業安全衛生管理的相關研究,通常以文獻資料或引用相關認證單位之數據,要兼顧全面性、實務面及專業性的研究非常少。 6. 較為全面性:一般研究通常以文獻探討的方式,或研究者的主觀認知來設定研究目標標的,同時針對文獻及管理系統進行分析、比較、篩選者的研究非常稀少。 7. 涵蓋層面較廣:有關職業安全衛生的相關研究,通常以某些產業或某家廠商為研究對象,本研究以涵蓋不同產業的管理系統輔導/稽核專家為主,可反映涵蓋層面較廣的研究價值。


ABSTRACT This study explores the key factors of an occupational safety and health management system. The international Standards has regulated ISO 45001 occupational safety and health management in March, 2018. However, the number of the research on this management system is few. Particularly, there is few academic research papers about the key factors studied and selected by the certified experiences of many management system experts in Taiwan. Therefore, with the new version of the management system, this study has principally removed the research structure of the foreign literature of organizational performance and importing motivation. With the role of user of the management system in Taiwan, it establishes the key factors of occupational safety and health management by combining the experience of many domestic management system experts and using the theoretical basis and statistical analysis of AHP level analysis method. In this research, data obtained from qualify survey, followed by the examine of C.I. (Consistence Index) consistency index and the C.R. (Consistence Ratio) consistency ratio evaluation index, and identify the key factors of occupational safety and health management finally. The results are as follows: 1. The respondents met the qualification requirements of management experts who had the average of nearly 6 management system licenses, the average of 22 years of counseling/audit years, and the average of 600 or more counseling/audit vendors. 2. The counseling consultants considered that the most important part was the “leadership” facet. The auditor considered that the most important part was the “performance appraisal” facet. The “leadership” facet is the highest weight in the overall survey. The comprehensive data shows that the “leadership” facet and the “performance appraisal” facet are the most important key assessment facets in the second level research. 3. The Key factors of overall occupational safety and health management, the counseling consultants consider that “5.1 Guidance and Commitment” is the most important. Auditors consider “9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Performance Evaluation” to be the most important. For the overall survey, "9.1 monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation" is the most important. The top eight key factors account nearly 50% of the total relative weight. According to the comprehensive data, "9.1 Supervisory Measurement Analysis and Performance Evaluation", "9.3 Management Review", and "5.3 Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Terms of Authority" are the most important key factors in occupational safety and health management. The weight is more than 20% of the total weight. The characteristics and values of this study are: 1. Timing: the ISO 45001 has been introduced in March 2018. At present, most manufacturers and certification organizations have not started to import and build the operations. Therefore, this study is a just on time reference for the vendors who are preparing to build ISO 45001 management system. 2. Value: At present, there are about 1,000 manufacturers have applied for TOSHMS verification in Taiwan, and there are thousands of applications for OHSAS 18001. After the ISO 40001 was introduced by ISO, the number of manufacturers applying for ISO 45001 verification is bound to be large under the trend of the world and the industry. Therefore, this research has high-value reference for the manufacturerspreparing to build the ISO 45001 management system. 3. Professional: The general questionnaire survey subjects are more unrestricted or general participants. Must participates of this study have at least 10 years and 100 professional counseling/audit qualifications or certificates of the management system. Therefore, the professional level and experience are far from comparable to the results from general questionnaire survey. 4. Practical : The research on general occupational safety and health management usually focuses on the evaluation of the impact on the organization, such as motivation, implementation efficiency, performance evaluation, satisfaction, etc. This study is based on face-to-face counseling/audit. Personnel are the object, and analyze the cognition and opinion of the actual execution of the work content. 5. Rarity: The research usually uses literature or reference to the data of relevant certification units. There is limited number of research on comprehensiveness, practice and professionalism. 6. Comprehensive: General research usually sets the target of the research in the way of literature discussion, or the subjective cognition of the researcher. It is rare for the research including the analysis, comparison, and screening of the literature and management system. 7. Broad coverage: Relevant research usually have limited on few types of industries or only a certain manufacturer. This study has been based on the management system counseling/audit experts covering different types of industries, andcould reflect more widely coverage.


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