  • 學位論文


Effects of Digital Storytelling on the Fifth Graders’ English Learning Motivation and Achievement by Different Genders and Levels of Proficiency

指導教授 : 袁媛 林俊閎


摘要 本研究以研究者任教之桃園市大園區某一公立小學五年級生共41(男生20 人,女生21人)人為研究對象,探討數位說故事融入英語教學,對不同性別與不同英語能力學生在學習動機與學習成就之交互作用影響,以單組前後測多因子實驗為研究設計,經統計MANOVA分析結果,對不同性別與不同英語能力學生在英語學習動機與學習成就皆有交互作用,進一步進行單純主要效果分析得到以下之結果: 一、 DST教學能有效提升低英語能力女生的學習動機 根據統計結果,就整體學習動機而言,本研究發現低英語能力女生 在接受DST教學活動後,其學習動機進步幅度明顯高於高英語能力 女生。 二、 DST教學能有效提升高英語能力男生的學習動機 根據統計結果,就整體學習動機而言,本研究發現高英語能力男生 在接受DST教學活動後,其學習動機進步幅度明顯高於高英語能力 女生。 三、 DST教學能有效提升低英語能力女生的學習成就 根據統計結果,就整體學習成就而言,本研究發現低英語能力女生 在接受DST教學活動後,其學習成就進步幅度明顯高於高英語能力 女生。 四、 DST教學能有效提升低英語能力女生在低層次認知的成績 根據統計結果,就學習成就兩個向度而言,本研究發現低英語能力 女生在接受DST教學活動後,其學習成就的低層次認知進步幅度高 於高英語能力女生和低英語能力男生。 本研究根據實驗結果提出相關建議,供未來教學實務或研究之參 考。 關鍵詞:數位說故事、英語學習動機、英語學習成就、性別差異


Abstract This study aimed to probe the effects of Digital Storytelling(DST) on the fifth graders’ English learning motivation and achievement by different genders and levels of proficiency. There were 41(20 boys, 21 girls) paticipants of grade five from the public elementary school in Dayuan district ,Taoyuan city .The design of this study was one group pre- and post- tests multi factorial experiment. The two approaches were further examined by different genders and English proficiency. The MANOVA test showed that DST had significant effect on learning motivation and achievement between different gender groups and groups of different levels of English proficiency. While further examing, the results found that the low level proficiency female students performed significantly greater progress on English learning motivation and achievement than that of high level proficiency female students . Further, high level proficiency male students revealed significantly higher learning motivation than that of high level proficiency female students. However, there was no difference of learning motivation found between high and low level proficiency male students. In addition, low level proficiency female students had shown more progress on English learning achievement of low level knowledge than that of high level proficiency female students and that of low level proficiency male students. Based on the above findings, this study presents suggestions to educators and researchers as a potential reference for further investigation. Keyword : digital storytelling, English learning motivation, English learning achievement, gender difference


