  • 學位論文


The Concept of Design Works and Law Protection

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


論文摘要 對工業設計給與保護,起源於歐洲紡織業為防止其紡織物圖案受到仿冒,其後再逐步擴大至其他工業製品。 從各國立法體系以觀之,各國對於工業設計與應用美術之保護,由於二者均屬人類透過智慧上之創造活動所得出之成果,因此,一般均將其納入所謂的智慧財產權範圍內來加以保護。 在我國之智慧財產權法律體系下,根據法律之規範目的將其劃分為保護「文化創作」、保護「技術創新」以及保護「正當交易秩序」的智慧財產權法,相關法律包括如著作權法、專利法、植物種苗法,積體電路電路佈局保護法、商標法、公平交易法與營業秘密法等。其中,保護「文化創作」與「技術創新」之智慧財產權法是與人類之精神創作有直接的關係,因此在範圍上又稱為「狹義之智慧財產權法」,而保障「正當交易秩序」之智慧財產權,則屬於「廣義之智慧財產權法」。 本文之研究範圍,除將說明工業設計與應用美術之概念外,在法律保護方面,將以「廣義之智慧財產權」為基礎,探討說明專利法、商標法與著作權法之保護起源、保護客體與要件以及其在法律上交錯之關係。此外,由於智慧財產權在行使、運用上往往會對競爭秩序造成一定程度的影響,而公平交易法做為競爭秩序的基本規範,因此,這些權利與公平交易法之關係也相當密切。然本文在探討之範圍上,則將以公平交易法第二十條與前述法律規範之交錯情況做深入之分析。 本文研究範圍以新式樣保護法制之比較為主,但除了保護要件、保護客體、保護期間外,亦包括民、刑事救濟、申請註冊及審查程序等,非本文所能一一比較研究,因此,僅將討論範圍集中在保護要件﹝實質要件、形式要件﹞、保護期間及保護客體上,期能通過比較法學之方法,先了解國際公約與外國立法例,再探討我國現行法制之得失。 在研究方法上,將採文獻探討法,並參酌國外立法例﹝特別是美國﹞及相關之文獻、專書、研討會論文、實務判決與期刊等資料,分採演繹及歸納之方式,加以整理、分析,期能藉此對新式樣之保護面臨之問題提出檢討建議。 關鍵字:著作權、美術著作、專利、新式樣、商標、公平交易法


Abstract The protection of industrial design stemmed from the need of the European textile industry to prevent textile patterns from copying, then expanded to all industrial products. When observed from the law system, provision of protection to industrial design and applied art were based on the notion that both were belonged to the end results created by human intellectual hard work. As a result, it is generally protected under the Intellectual Property Rights System. Under the Intellectual Property Law system, it can be divided further into three different subsystems based on the purpose of the law, which include” cultural creation”, “technical innovation” and “maintain business order”. Laws included in the system, to name a few, such as Copyright, Patents, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets law. Among these, the Intellectual Property Rights which provide protection for ”cultural creation” and “technical innovation” law were directly related to human intellectual creation, it is also called” narrow-defined Intellectual Property Rights”, and the law for “ maintain business order” were belonged to “ broad-defined Intellectual Property Rights”. For the research scope of this thesis, it will first cover the concept of industrial design and applied art. In the area of law protection, the focus of the research will center on the “broad-defined Intellectual Property Rights”, and discuss the origins of protection, the subject matter of protection and the interrelationship among Patents, Trademarks and Copyright . Furthermore, the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights will also have impact on competitive order, thus a discussion between Intellectual Property Rights and Fair Trade Law is also present in this paper. And the area of discussion will center on section 20 of Fair Trade Law. The law protection system of design patent is the focus of this paper, and discussion will center on protection eligibility, protection periods and protected subject matter. A discussion of international law regarding design patent will present in chapter 2, and followed by domestic law regarding the protection eligibility, protection periods and protected subject matter will present in chapter 3. A comparison of Copyright, Trademarks, Patents and Fair Trade Law will be the focus of chapter 4, and the conclusion will present in chapter 5. Key Words: Copyright, Applied Art, Patents, Design Patent, Trademarks.


Trademark Applied Art Patent Copyright Design Patent


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1. 經濟部智慧財產局網站, Http ://www.tipo.org.tw


