  • 學位論文

公司治理、流動性與公司績效 --台灣海外掛牌存託憑證公司之實證研究

Corporate Governance, Liquidity and Tobins’Q-- Evidence from Taiwanese Cross-Listing Depositary Receipts Companies

指導教授 : 俞海琴


本文研究台灣上市公司公司治理、流動性、公司績效的互動關係,研究方法採三階段最小平方法聯立方程式模型(3SLS Model)及分群檢定。 研究發現,公司治理、流動性、公司績效三者之間經由分群t檢定後,有發行海外存託憑證公司比沒有發行的公司績效(托賓Q)高,流動性變大(股票週轉率高、買買雙方相對價差變小),如Graig Doidge(2004) 所述,發行海外掛牌增加公司績效及價值。而公司治理代理變數(內部人持股比率)減少,公司流動性反而增加(相對價差變小),可能如Dariusz Wojcik(2004) 控制股東願意放棄投票權溢酬 (Voting premium)到海外掛牌,因為公司成長獲得利益大於侵占小股東的利益。進一步依發行前、後各年比較分析,發現公司在發行後一~三年相對比發行前一~三年的公司績效、公司治理沒有顯著變大,甚至有顯著變小,可見發行前已事先調整內部人持股,但因資訊不對稱,流動性(價差)在發行後二~三年比發行前二~三流動性有顯著變大,綜合三者表示發行時為了符合掛牌條件,公司內部在發行前三年已事先調整改善,因資訊不對稱,使流動性在發行後二~三年流動性增加效果才反應出來。 進一步探討公司的績效、流動性與公司治理互為因果之關係,全體樣本時,三者關係皆不顯著,將公司分群:是、否發行海外存托憑證,公司績效高、低,流動性高、低,公司治理高、低,以3SLS分析後有較顯著不同的關係:1.有發行海外存託憑證公司比無發行公司,相異處在於其內部人持股對流動性成顯著負向影響,表示發行海外存托憑證因資訊不對稱,內部人在發行前已調整而投資者在發行後才增加持股,使內部人持股與流動性呈負向影響。2.公司績效高的公司比績效低的公司,相異處在於Tobins’Q對內部人持股比率有顯著正向影響,如文獻公司績效高與公司治理呈正向影響。3.流動性高的公司比流動性低的公司,相異處在於內部人持股率對公司流動有顯著負向影響,表示內部人與投資者間有資訊不對稱。4.公司治理高的公司比公司治理低的公司,相異處在於流動性對公司績效有正向且顯著影響,而流動性對公司治理或公司治理對流動性,在愈高的內部人持股公司對流動性愈低。


This paper examines the relationship between Corporate Governance, Liquidity and Tobins’Q in Taiwanese listed companies with issuing Depositary Receipts. Our empirical sample includes 607 Taiwanese listed companies in Taiwan Stock Exchange from 1991 to 2004. The observations are 7,811. Our methodology are Three Stage Least Square Model(3SLS) and group test. All samples are not statistically significant that the relationship between Corporate, Liquidity and Tobins’Q. After group test the companies with issuing Depositary Receipts are better performance (Tobins’Q) and Liquidity then without. As Graig Doidge(2004) said . We found after issuing DR three years the Tobins’Q and Wo1 not has significantly better than before issuing DR three years. After issuing DR one year the Liquidity have significantly better than before issuing DR one years. After issuing DR three years the Corporate Governance and Liquidity have significantly better than before issuing DR three years. The means before issuing DR the companies’ performance have changed. The empirical models in this study is based on a Three Stage Least Square Model regression examines the relationship between Corporate Governance, Liquidity and Tobins’Q. The results are 1. The different between high Tobins’Q and low Tobins’Q is the high CEO with high Tobins’Q. 2. The companies with high CEO have low Liquidity in the high Corporate Governance group. 3. The companies with high Liquidity have high Tobins’Q in the high Liquidity group.4.The companies with high Corporate Governance have low Liquidity in the high Corporate Governance group.


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