  • 學位論文


Comparison and Studies on Java Framework

指導教授 : 留忠賢


在本論文中,我們將一個舊有系統(Legacy System)進行重整工程(Re-engineering)以便得到一個具再使用性(Reuse)且能提升工作效能的系統。 這個老舊系統是一個『線上系統』,我們發覺系統中充斥大量重複的程式碼,造成更新或維護系統時,需要同時變動數個程式;而重複的資料庫存取動作增加不必要的系統時間及浪費系統資源。我們以不改變其原本的Struts架構為基礎來進行重整工程,首先我們從系統中比對出資料及畫面相似性高的頁面,將其相同的程式碼萃取出來,實作出一系列的共用模組元件(Component)達到系統重整。另一方面,依據該系統中的流程規劃,利用Form Bean的可重複使用特性及繼承(Inheritance)的方式,改進其必須連結資料庫存取資料之模式。 最後依照我們評估重整前後的數據得知,以上兩種整合方式可以明顯降低重複程式碼、提高程式再利用性、減少進出資料庫取值次數與提升系統效能。


We re-engineered a legacy system for more reusability and more efficiency. The legacy system is a web-based system. We discovered that there were a lot of duplicated codes in the programs that needed to be modified simultaneously when updating the system. Furthermore, repeated database access wasted valuable system time and system resources. The system’s architecture, which was based on Struts, was not altered when re-engineering. We begin with comparing web pages with similar data and views. Then, we refactored them by extracting duplicated codes and implemented them as common components. We also analyzed the workflow design of the system to reuse some Form Beans by inheritance and to avoid unnecessary database access. Finally, we evaluated the refactored system and found that the refactored system indeed eliminated some duplicated codes, increased reusability, and reduced database access and thus improved efficiency.


Form Bean Component Reengineering Reuse


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