  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Architectural Thoughts and works of Ito Chuta, a Japanese Architect and Liang Si-Cheng, a Chinese Architect

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


本研究主要是以日本建築家伊東忠太及中國建築家梁思成為研究的對象,希望透過兩人的發表文章、建築理論及部份建築設計創作,解析最具影響力的日本建築家伊東忠太與當代中國受西潮洗禮仍執意尋找中國建築出路的梁思成。兩人對西化帶來的各階層反動力所影響的層面與自身建築文化價值的確立,兩人在當時社會背景下,孕育一些劃時代的建築理論與思潮。針對本國傳統建築與建築未來的發展方向提出批判與反思。這些看似反對西方文明的思潮理論,對幾乎全盤接受或半接受西方文化的亞洲國家有警惕與提醒的反思作用。反思過程中的多變與矛盾,中間的異與同及最終呈現的建築成就是值得我們去做深入的探討與研究,近代中日建築家之比較甚少,從比較之建築文化議題裡或許能從不同角度捕捉兩人於當代的個人魅力與建築歷史地位。 本研究各章節的內容包括:: 第一章 緒論 研究動機與目的、研究範圍、相關研究與文獻回顧、研究方法 第二章 伊東忠太與梁思成之生涯及其建築背景 本章節探討伊東忠太與梁思成求學階段及現代建築教育對其之影響,及兩人分別經過世界旅行及古建築調查後,對於建築思想上的轉變。最後闡述兩人對於建築之定義以及梁思成的建築教育觀。 第三章 伊東忠太與梁思成面對傳統與西化之衝突的反應 本章節首先探討兩人對於傳統建築設計的態度與觀念,以及在傳統與西方現代建築交替之際,兩人對於本國未來建築方向的探索。藉由文章及作品,相互檢視與驗證其建築之現代觀。 第四章 結論 綜合各章節之論述,針對伊東忠太及梁思成在近代的日本與中國建築發展及影響作綜合討論。


This thesis is mainly focus on the two architects, Ito Chuta, the Japanese architect and Liang Si-Cheng, the Chinese Architect. By researching the paper, architectural theories and works, I try to analyze the most known architects of that time in both Japan and China. They make a standard of Architectural culture when they are facing the influence of the western architecture. They announced some epochal architectural theories and thoughts under their times. They made some critique about the traditional architecture and the development of it. They made a admonitory by against western trend. There’re lots of variations and conflict, and that’s what we should make the most efforts on. These only a few thesis that focus on the comparison of the Japan architects and the Chinese architect. By the comparison, we can make it more clear to survey their position of their times. Chapter 1 Introduction The intention, the goal, the extent of study, the review of relate studies , the historical texts and methods of research. Chapter 2 The background of Ito Chuta and Liang Si-Cheng This chapter aimed to explore the background of Ito Chuta and Liang Si-Cheng, including the education of architecture and the influence on them. The changes of Architectural thought of them both, after the trip around the word and the investigation of historical architectures. The definition of Architecture of them and Liang Si-Cheng’s educational thought of architecture. Chapter 3 The reaction of Ito Chuta and Liang Si-Cheng to the conflict of traditional and the western influences This chapter is mainly focus on the attitude to the traditional architecture of Ito Chuta and Liang Si-Cheng, and the exploration of the future of their national architecture. Try to analyze the point of view to modern architecture by studying the works and papers of Ito Chuta and Liang Si-Cheng. Chapter 4 Conclusion Make conclusion of each chapter and focus on the influence of Ito Chuta and Liang Si-Cheng to their country of their time.


(2002)〈美國賓夕法尼亞大學早期中國留學生的幾件史料〉。《建築史論文集 17》


