  • 學位論文

社區大學與協辦學校共用校園空間之研究 —以台北市社區大學為例

The Research on the Sharing of Campus Spaces between Community Colleges and Cooperative Schools—A Study of Taipei City’s Community Colleges

指導教授 : 曾光宗


順應全球終身學習的趨勢,台灣的社區大學在民間與政府的推動下順勢而生,其中以台北市最具規模,於各行政區皆有設立。由於目前台北市社區大學均借用公私立學校的校舍,利用課後未使用的空間,因此如何在終身學習理念下結合協辦學校及社區大學的資源,使其在同一個校園中發揮最大的力量,提供民眾終身學習的場所,雙方的協調與適應也成為最重要的課題。 本研究之主要目的,在瞭解校園空間與社區大學共用後之現況與問題,解析不同使用者對空間共用的反應及建議,針對空間、設備、管理、維護、觀感等各方面進行調查,並比較兩者看法之異同,同時探討雙方共處的協調模式,進而透過不同使用者的觀點歸納出共用校園空間之相關課題。在研究方法方面,主要是以問卷調查及深入訪談為主,瞭解兩者並存於校園中的現況,及分屬於兩個教育體系下的使用者對於空間共用之意見,並以具體的統計比較之。藉以完成下列研究目的與內容: 1. 了解台灣終身學習體系的理念與施行方式 2. 探討台北市社區大學推動狀況及校園規劃理念與趨勢 3. 探討台北市社區大學體系推動後,協辦學校在實際使用上之狀況 4. 調查分析台北市各協辦學校現有校園空間與社區大學共同使用下所產生之問題 5. 對現有社區大學與協辦學校共用校園的使用方式提出建議 研究結果發現,在空間方面可善加利用閒置空間,並重新規劃彈性使用之方式,使校園成為社區的終身學習據點;在設備方面可建立簡明便利的共享制度,避免資源重複添購,提升使用效率;在管理方面除了增加人力及設備之外,也可由志工及民眾守望相助的力量共同維護校園的安全;在維護方面則應建立使用者對校園環境的認同感,進而主動保持校園內之環境清潔;在整體互動方面,社區大學及協辦學校除了共用一個校園空間之外,也應互相了解彼此的辦學理念,進而達成師資及課程的合作,結合雙方軟硬體資源,將終身學習的概念推廣至社區,達成全民終身學習的目標。


To adjust the global trend of lifelong learning, the community colleges in Taiwan were established by the government and non-governmental circles. However, Taipei City has the most effective results to show, already having established in each administrative area. Nowadays, all the community colleges in Taipei City use the schoolhouse in the public and private schools. Therefore, to coordinate and to adapt become the most important topic of how to combine the resources between the community colleges and the cooperative schools under the spirit of lifelong learning, and make it develop the biggest strength in the same campus. The main purpose of this research is to understand the current conditions and problem after sharing campus spaces, to analyze the reaction and suggestion about the space, the equipment, the management, the maintenance and the interact aspect between the different users, and also to treat the coordination mode. Furthermore, the research also compares the different opinions with the similar ones, and to induce the related topics of sharing the campus spaces. Questionnaire and interview are the major study methods. To understand the condition and the users’ opinions of sharing campus spaces between two educate systems, and also compare them with concrete statistics. Following is the purpose and content of this research: 1. To understand the spirit and the administration of the lifelong learning systems in Taiwan. 2. To treat the promote condition of the community colleges in Taipei City and the trend of the campus planning. 3. To treat the space and facilities problems of the usage after the community colleges in Taipei City have established. 4. To investigate and analyze the problems of sharing campus spaces which are between the community colleges and the cooperative schools in Taipei City. 5. To provide suggestions to the community colleges and cooperative schools of sharing campus spaces. As a result of the research, in the aspect of space, we can make something of useless space and re-program the way of the flexible usage, make the campus become the lifelong learning base of the community. In the aspect of equipment, we can build up the share system clear and convenient in order to promote an efficient usage. In the aspect of management, in addition to increase the personnel and equipment can be also safeguarded the security of the campus together by the volunteer worker and the people's mutual help among neighbors strength outside. In the aspect of maintenance, we should build up the user's approbation feeling for the campus environment, then keep the environment in the campus sweep. In the aspect of interact, the community colleges and the cooperative schools should understand each other’s principle, then carry on a cooperation in the software and hardware, and expand the concept of learned life longed to community and reach a lifelong learning target of all the people.




