  • 學位論文


Research on the Commercialization of Art — Case Studies of Taiwan's Painting and Calligraphy

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


台灣的藝術產業面對大環境受國際經濟的影響,畫廊、書畫藝術家與市場之間的互動,有許多困難要克服。藝術市場交易現況及資源,牽動書畫藝術創作者的生活與發展,如何突破進而解決困境?認識當前台灣的藝術環境、商業脈絡、藝術消費市場等都是書畫藝術創作者首先必須熟悉的條件。 本研究採質性研究法(深度訪談)為主,深入三種不同角色受訪者,以獲取對現況的暸解和深層的探索性研究;再以文獻蒐集分析、直接觀察法為輔,將三者以個案研究作系統性的分析與整理,以了解台灣書畫藝術產業之現況。並針對台灣書畫藝術商業化面臨之困境,應用STP定位和7P行銷組合來對應分析困境影響之因素。 研究結果發現,藝術家的個人獨特性和與市場接軌乃是藝術品銷售與否的重要主因;進而透過社交以及經營者的協助,擴大知名度;而政府的角色就是準備合適的環境予以藝術家發揮,三者息息相關。 歸結統整提出建議,台灣藝術家應利用自身發展優勢創造個人品牌,以區隔市場。經營者方面,應利用業者的商業優勢活絡市場,做為作品與銷售之間的橋梁。再者政府也可協助設立相關規範,以保護藝術家創作;當然給予藝術家足夠資源也是政府促進藝術產業之根本。旨在協助臺灣書畫藝術家突破與產業商業化的困境,而達到創作、行銷、與需求間平衡的最好規劃。


There are more and more challenges for the art industry in Taiwan, which is affected by global economy. There are still many difficulties in the relationships among galleries, artists, and the market. The situations and resources in the art market nowadays have a large impacet on the artists’ life and career. How can we solve the problem? This thesis tries to find out the art environment, business conditions, and the art market in Taiwan, which would be the significant issues for the artists. This research applies the in-depth interview method to collect the opinions from different roles in this industry, in order to learn more about the current situations deeply. Thus, to get better understanding of the art industry, in addition to interview, literature review and direct observation methods are used as well. For the dilemma of the commercialization of calligraphy and painting art in Taiwan, STP and 7P were the marketing concepts that used to analyze and find out the factors to solve the problems. The study found that the key point for the sales in the market is the artists’ personality and how their work integrates with the market. Furthermore, they should build the reputation by social interactions and cooperating with the galleries. Last but not the least, government must create a healthy environment for the artists. To sum up, the artists can manage themselves as a brand with their diversified backgrounds. For the galleries, they can make the market active by their commercial skills, and serve as the link between consumers and artists. Moreover, the government can set up related regulations to protect artists’ creations, and also provide them sufficient resources. The contribution of the thesis is to suggest better development for art industry and an optimal balabce between creation, marketing, and consumers.


小山登美夫(2010)。 當代藝術商機(蔡青雯譯)。台北:商周。(原著出版於2008年)
王仕圖、吳慧敏(2003)。「深度訪談與案例演練」,質性研究方法與資料分析,頁 95~113。嘉義:南華大學教育社會學研究所。
