  • 學位論文


Punishable injuria of privacy of sexual activity and the suggestions of regulation

指導教授 : 張天一


違反本人意願散布性私密內容之入罪化,近來已成為國際改革之中心,然如何規範散布性私密內容之行為人責任與義務,包括諸如英國、美國、日本等國家,已然用刑事制裁方式處罰犯罪行為人,為因應國際潮流以及適應網路科技犯罪的趨勢,我國各黨團也提出多個草案,針對散布性私密影像處罰行為人甚至網路服務提供者,惟草案目前皆尚未通過三讀程序,實務上針對散布性私密內容之論處有如刑法第 235 條公然散布猥褻物、第304 條強制罪、第 305 條恐嚇危安、第 309 條公然侮辱、第 310 條誹謗罪、第 315 條之 2 圖利為妨害秘密罪、第 318 條之 1 洩漏電腦秘密罪,處罰散落在各刑法條文中,其原因為我國尚未定義何謂性私密影像,亦無統一侵害之法益為何,使法院在判斷個案時,無前例、標準可循,僅能依照個案事實論處行為人,產生我國對於散布性私密影像並無可遵從之規範,法益混淆、刑罰過輕,致使行為人並無對該不法行為感到害怕、受制約,因此社會上此種行為層出不窮。 除喪失刑法之罪責相當功能與預防目的外,又網路快速儲存、不易刪除之特性,往往亦造成受害者更巨大之傷害,為能解決上述問題,本文分為五大部分討論,第一部分說明實務上性私密內容之態樣與定義,先釐清性私密之標準,始能體系化後續爭點,並且亦介紹關於實務上對於散布之前置行為-取得性私密影像設有不同程度之規範,接著切入本文重點,羅列我國現行實務上可能構成之罪,藉以探討各法益之內涵本質,分析我國目前刑法上適用之疑義;第二部分則評析我國為因應國際立專法趨勢及越加猖獗之犯罪行為,各黨團提出多種防制散布性私密草案以及針對現行法增修草案是否有不妥之處,第三部分則為論述關於散布性私密影像之第三方關係人-網路服務提供者之責任基礎及現行實務操作之爭議與困難,第四部分藉由介紹日本情色報復受害防治法,觀其優缺利弊,比較我國草案與專法之差異性,便以後續提出立法建議之方針,釐清後續立法可能產生之問題,最後則是結合以上章節作出立法建議與結論,希冀我國能充分評價該行為。


Firstly, the criminalisation of revenge pornography has become an international trend in judicial reform. In order to keep up with the international trend, our country has also taken a corresponding legislative step towards the dissemination of intimate sexual images against intent, such as enacting a special law following Japan's example, or adding new provisions to the existing criminal law to regulate it. However, the current draft law has not yet passed the third reading process, so in practice, judges still judge the facts and impose penalties on a case-by-case basis. Secondly, the dissemination of private sexual images involves not only the perpetrator and the victim, but also the internet service provider. The rapid spread of the internet and the fact that it cannot be easily deleted make it difficult to stop the abuse after dissemination. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, this article will compare the advantages and disadvantages in terms of the punishability of the act, the definition of intimate sexual images, the shortcomings of the draft, the responsibilities of internet service providers, and the reference to the Japanese Erotic Reprisal Victims Prevention Act, in order to facilitate the subsequent legislative proposals, in the hope of fully evaluating the act.


