  • 學位論文


A Study on Virtual Reality Cooperative Construction and Its Performance of the Improved Mobile Subscriber Equipment in Army

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


摘要 隨著近年來資訊科技的高速發展,如人工智慧、物聯網、區塊鏈、虛擬和擴增實境等,因為這些數位化科技已改變人們生活的方式。因應科技時代的來臨,運用現代數位化科技導入各種教學場域也成為各國發展的教育方式,如智慧教室、行動學習及AR/VR教材開發與教學應用。可見運用數位化科技導入教學已是未來的教育趨勢。 因為虛擬實境有高度的沈浸感,能讓使用者進入設計者設定好的虛擬空間,從事設計者預先設計的活動,由於VR頭盔的價格已不如以往昂貴,而且使用VR頭盔只要依使用說明操作並不具有危險性,這一特性使得虛擬實境非常適合運用在高成本及高危險的教育訓練上,有鑒於軍事訓練所需要耗費的成本都相當高,例如艦艇、航空載具或戰甲砲車的駕駛訓練等都具有一定的危險性,非常適合使用VR來實施訓練。而軍事訓練中有相當多的武器裝備系統都屬於要多人聯合操作,本研究目的就是建構一套虛擬實境訓練系統,戴上VR頭盔進入虛擬空間實施訓練,並運用在軍事訓練的裝備聯合操作上,研究使用者的接受程度。本研究之主題為以陸區協同合作架台為例,使用虛擬實境技術開發陸區多人聯合操作架台的VR系統,讓使用者同時虛擬實境的情境中實施自我練習,並加入多人協同合作的元素,作為後續利用虛擬實境實施軍事訓練之參考。 研究架構以科技接受度模型2(UTAUT2)為基礎,研究顯示績效期望對使用意向不具調節效果,使用習慣對使用意向的調節效果並不顯著,使用經驗對使用意向具調節效果,使用意向對使用行為具調節效果,而使用VR系統可以提升陸區架台的團體默契。VR系統導入部隊訓練是有趣而可以接受的,也認為對於VR系統導入部隊訓練對於訓練成效會有顯著的提升。


Abstract Due to the highly development of information technology these years. such as AI、IoT、Blockchain、AR and VR. all of these digital technology has changed people's lives. And react to the generation of high technology, using modern digital technology to promote teaching field has been a new way for every country to develop their education. such as the textbook development on personalized learning、M-Learning、AR VR education. We could see that it is the future we teach by using digital technology. VR could make user get into the virtual situation and engaged in activities which were setting up by designer by its highly immersion. and because the price of VR helmet was not as expensive as it before. in the otherhand.it is safe if user follow the SOP. this spacailty make VR supremely qualified while using in high value and risk education and training.Due to the military training are always very costly , and very dangerous for training battleship、air vehicles or even battle amor.so that it is suitable training by VR system. There are many military weapon and equipment system operate by multiplayer while military training. this research is focus on building a VR training system. training soliders by wearing VR helmet in the virtual situation and studying users acceptence. This topic is using ISEM cooperation as an example,by developing a ISEM cooperation VR training system for users to practice in the virtual situation and join multiplayer cooperation to be a references for military training by using VR system. The conceptual framework is basic on UTAUT2,the study shows that the performance expectations will not change using image. and usage habit are not going to change using image easily.the using experience will change using image easily and the using image will also change using behavior ,BTW it is interesting and acceptble when we traing field troop by using VR system. and it is also to be considered that when we using VR system to training field troop could easily promote the training effectivenes.


VR UTAUT2 military training


