  • 學位論文


Based on the IoT Technology for the Gas meter

指導教授 : 吳燦明


本技術報告的目的在於透過物聯網納管用戶的瓦斯表,使其具有遠端讀表、控制復歸及用戶用氣數據分析等功能。本研究將利用ZigBee遠端監測的IoT系統,基於IEEE 802.15.4的基礎架構下延伸出網路層及應用層,利用傳感器與瓦斯表搭配取得表內資料,經由閘道器連結ZigBee與行動通訊網路,回傳雲端平台彙整。實際應用上使得原本不具無線控制之瓦斯錶,透過ZigBee無線通訊來控制及管理與資料傳輸,改善原先人工抄表計費大多由用戶自行抄表或由瓦斯業者自行推定的錯誤。更進一步的應用可以收集用戶用氣等數據,可供未來大數據等相關的應用。


Zigbee 物聯網 802.15.4


The purpose of this technical report lies in monitoring the gas meter through an IoT system, which possesses functions of the remote reading, control recovery and gas usage analyses. Through the IoT system ( by the ZigBee) while based upon the network and application layers of the IEEE 802.15.4 architecture, the meter data can be attained via the sensor and the gas meter by the Gateway for connecting the ZigBee with the mobile communication network. Consequently, we may forward the data to the system platform. In other words, it makes the gas meter be monitored and the data be collected through the ZigBee wireless communication. Furthermore, this system can reduce the errors of the gas billing made by the manual reading via either the Gas Company or the user himself/herself. Moreover, this research can collect the data of the user's gas usage for providing the use of the big data.


Zigbee IoT 802.15.4


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