  • 學位論文


The Study of Radio Frequency Identification Applying to Military Armory Management

指導教授 : 廖秀莉


無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)是非接觸的自動識別技術,起源於1940年代二次大戰之時,進入二十一世紀之後,由於RFID所具備的遠距及一對多的讀取、輕薄及小型化、訊號的穿透性及抗污性、可重複使用、高儲存量等特性,讓這項技術在自動化管理的應用領域日漸受到矚目,被列為二十一世紀十大重要技術項目之一。 現逢國軍實施兵力建構調整,人力大幅精減的同時,在補給、保修、運輸、衛勤、彈藥等後勤作為方面,是否能充份達到物料庫儲管理、提高裝備管理效能、落實機敏軍品管制,乃現今之一大考驗,國軍現行軍械庫儲管理流程,仍需以人工透過表單填寫方式進行管制資料與追蹤,在要求即時資訊的時代,除耗時及作業程序繁瑣外,亦多有人為疏失,倘若軍品庫儲能結合無線射頻辨識資訊技術實施管制,將可強化文件轉呈速度與人工作業資訊正確性,除能簡化人工作業流程,也能降低軍品遺失之風險。 本研究採用之研究方法為實地實驗法,將系統導入軍械室管理流程中做平行驗證,區分RFID軍械室管理系統組及傳統人工驗證組,進行人員進出、槍枝領還作業時間比對,並探討是否可以藉此系統使軍械室管理機制更加地完善,達到提升軍械室整體管理效能之目的。


Radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) non-contact automatic identification technology, the origins of World War II in the 1940s, after the 21th century, since the RFID possess many of the distance of reading, light and miniaturization, signal penetration and stain resistance, reusable, high storage capacity and other characteristics, make this technology in the field of automated management increasingly attracted attention, was listed as the one of the top ten important technology project in the 21th century . Now military force to implement adjustment of troops, a substantial streamlining manpower while in supply, warranty, transportation, medical support, ammunition and other logistical aspects as whether the manpower can fulfill military storage management, improve management efficiency equipment, the implementation of military alert control, is now one of the big test, the military Armory storage management processes still need to manually fill in a form by way of the control data and tracking requirements. Nowdays, we pursue immediate and rapid information, while current Armory management processes not only time-consuming but also complicated operating procedures, if the military Armory management combined with radio frequency identification implementation of information technology controls will strengthen the file forwarded to the speed and accuracy of the information manual work, in addition to simplifying the process of doing the job, but also to reduce the risk of loss of the military products. In this study, the research methods for field experiment, the system was introduced into the Armory management processes to do parallel verification, to distinguish between RFID military Armory system group and the traditional manual validation group for personnel access, guns collar jobs also time than right, and to investigate whether the system can make Armory to improve the management mechanism and to achieve the purpose which enhances the effectiveness of the military Armory management.


郭嬌紋、黃鎮華、游適彰、李貽華(2009)。無線射頻識別系統(RFID)簡介及在檢驗追蹤管理之應用,行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所技術專刊第 188 號。
