  • 學位論文


The Leadership and its Impacts in Chinese Society

指導教授 : 李明彥


各行各業均存在領導者與被領導者,而領導者所展現出的領導行為,對部屬的工作表現或是企業執行效能產生差異性,尤其華人社會受到傳統文化價值、意識形態的影響下,使威權、仁慈、德行成為華人領導行為的重要內涵,並在華人組織中扮演獨特且重要的角色,使華人領導不只是影響部屬的組織承諾,也影響部屬的工作滿意度。因此本研究目的主要是瞭解台灣企業部屬在工作職場中,部屬面對主管華人領導行為是否對工作滿意度和探討組織承諾產生影響,也更近一步探究組織承諾是否會對主管華人領導與部屬工作滿意度產生中介效果。 本研究問卷參考國內外相關文獻所改編之結構式問卷,並且以桃園與新北地區的企業部屬為問卷調查對象,回收有效問卷120份,並採用因素分析、信度分析、相關分析和迴歸分析進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示,「威權領導」分別與「工作滿意度」、「組織承諾」之間呈現顯著負相關;「仁慈領導」、「德行領導」都分別與「工作滿意度」和「組織承諾」之間呈現顯著正相關;威權領導對工作滿意度有顯著負向影響;仁慈領導和德行領導對工作滿意度均有顯著正向影響;威權領導對組織承諾有顯著負向影響;仁慈領導和德行領導對對組織承諾有顯著正向影響。組織承諾對威權領導與工作滿意度為完全中介;組織承諾對仁慈領導與工作滿意度為部分中介;組織承諾對德行領導與工作滿意度為部分中介。


Leaders and followers are existed in industries, the behaviors of leadership could affect to the job performance and the execution effectiveness with differences, especially the Chinese society, it deeply is affected by traditional cultural values and ideologies, making authoritarian, kindness, and virtues being as important connotations for the leadership behavior of Chinese as well as play unique and crucial characters in the Chinese organization. Chinese leadership hence not only affects to the organizational commitment but also the job satisfaction of employee. The purpose of research is to understand whether the Chinese leadership would affect to job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the workplace in Taiwan; furthermore, to discuss whether the organizational commitment would mediate to the relationships between the Chinese leadership and job satisfaction of employee. The structural questionnaires were referred from relevant research, and the research objects are the employees working in Taoyuan City and New Taipei City. There are 120 shares of effective returned questionnaires, and the statistical analyses comprise factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results reveal that job satisfaction and organizational commitment are significantly negative correlated to authoritarianism leadership; benevolent leadership are significantly positive correlated to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is significantly negative affected by authoritarianism leadership; job satisfaction is significantly positively affected by benevolent and moral leadership; organizational commitment is negatively affected by authoritarianism leadership; organizational commitment is significantly positive affected by benevolent leadership and moral leadership. Authoritarianism leadership and job satisfaction are completely mediated by organizational commitment; benevolent leadership and job satisfaction are partially mediated by organizational commitment; moral leadership and job satisfaction are partially mediated by organizational commitment.


