  • 學位論文

工業市場採取行銷推廣組合對購買意願之影響 -以電子產業為例

Analyze the Influences of Marketing Promotion Portfolio to Willingness of Purchase in Industrial Market: An Example of Electronic Industry

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


「工業市場」一般泛指中間商、經銷商、公司企業、機構組織等等,那麼工業市場的「工業品」與一般消費市場中的「消費品」有何不同?簡單來說,「消費品」是供應一般普羅大眾所使用的,購買商品幾乎皆為成品,但「工業品」的顧客群就非常有限,因為它大部分只提供原料、零件、消耗品、加工材料、設備、或是半成品與服務…等,工業品是以銷售到工業市場為主,而消費品則是銷售到消費市場為主,但有時因顧客特殊需求,消費性產品會賣到工業市場,而工業產品賣到消費市場的機會也不是沒有,有些產品難以界定是工業品或是消費品?「工業市場」與「消費市場」其兩者間供應商的行銷手法與顧客購買行為也會有所相類似之處。   「工業市場」這個名詞在我們印象中,意指生產製造商的交易行為的環境,它和一般消費市場沒有兩樣,皆有交易行為,但鮮少有人去了解工業市場的交易行為,及工業市場的環境、客戶特性,甚至它的商業模式中會因何種因素而使得購買行為有所改變。故本研究期望透過調查來研究工業市場的購買行為,並利用工業市場上常用的行銷推廣組合來進行對購買意願影響之調查,了解購買行為是否會因供應商之行銷推廣策略而對購買意願及決策有所影響?因此為更加了解與滿足工業市場客戶需求,本研究採隨機抽樣法,調查對象遍及全台北部、中部、南部、大陸及海外地區,主要以電子業為主,共回收有效問卷130份,並運用信度分析、相關分析及多元回歸分析等方法進行資料處理。   經本研究結果顯示,在工業市場中「行銷推廣組合」對「購買意願」之影響調查,研究中的行銷推廣組合構面中,影響購買意願之因素,以人員推廣及公共關係最為顯著,我們從本次調查結果中驗証,工業市場中的業務推廣人員因對產品專業知識較為充足,且能立即解答客戶各方面疑惑,因此工業市場的業務推廣人員,對於公司拓展業務扮演一個非常重要的角色。


Industrial market normally covers sales agents; companies; organizations and so on. What is the differences for the term of "products" between industrial market and public market. It could be simply defined as that in the public market; products are provided to public consumers to use, and most of the products are final products. On the other hand, the customers in the industrial market are very limited. The reason of that is because that in the industrial market; most of the products are raw materials; components; materials that need further processing; equipments; semi-products and services. Although consuming products are normally sold into public market and industrial products are mostly sold into industrial market; however there are sometimes, these two different products are also sold into each different markets. Besides; there are some products that are very difficult to be defined as consuming products or industrial products. There are also some similarities for the sales techniques and buying behaviors between industrial market and public market. Traditionally, we thought that the term of industrial market means an business environment that the sales behaviors occurred for manufactures; and we also thought that there is no any difference between public market and industrial market. There are only few people try to find out the sales behavior; business environment; market; buying behavior and also what kind of marketing promotion portfolio that are normally applied in the public market that may affect customer's willingness of purchase in the industrial market. The project is based on an study of purchase behaviors in the industrial market. An survey was conducted to identify that what kind of marketing promotion portfolio may affect customers' willingness of purchase effectively in the industrial market. Thus, the suppliers will be able to satisfy with customers' needs and expand their business in the industrial market. The participants for the survey was selected randomly ; and the questionnaires were provided to them. The participants are the people who work at management level in the electronic industry ; and the regions for survey covers all the regions in Taiwan , China and Overseas. There are 130 qualified questionnaires were collected, and the methods of credibility analysis, relativity analysis and regression analysis are used to analyzed the data from the survey. The research shows that in the industrial market, people sales and public relations could be described as the most effective marketing promotion portfolio ,which could affecting customers' willingness of purchase. The result is also matched with the purchasing behavior in a real business situation. The difference between public market and industrial market is because of the different purchasing behavior. In the industrial market; sales people should have proper product knowledge; they should be able to answer customers' questions immediately. Therefore sales people act as very important roles for companies to expand their businesses.


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