  • 學位論文


Simulation of Cable-Strut Tensile Structures Using Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method during Construction stage

指導教授 : 莊清鏘


中文摘要 向量式有限元將結構離散化後的質點依牛頓運動定律描述其受力後之運動,毋須迭代求解非線性方程,即可模擬結構受外力作用、或施工模擬的全過程分析。 索穹頂乃一柔性體系結構,結構本身具有非常強烈的幾何非線性性質,迭代等傳統分析方法,雖仍可進行分析,但當結構產生剛體運動、大變形、大位移的情況時,會使得分析困難度倍增;而索穹頂結構張拉頂升過程中必會出現上述之行為,且索穹頂結構中的纜索具極大的張力,傳統方法僅能於階段性施工結束時分析結構之暫態,無法做到施工全過程分析。 本文主要利用向量式有限元素法,採以階段性施工的方式,對索桿張拉結構中的纜索、簡易索桿複合結構先進行模擬分析,確定其正確性;最後再以索桿張拉體系的代表性結構:Geiger型索穹頂為雛型,進行大跨距索穹頂結構之張拉施工模擬,驗證向量式有限元素法對此類結構分析模擬的可行性。 關鍵字:向量式有限元素法、索桿張拉結構、索穹頂、階段施工模擬


ABSTRACT The structure will be discrete into the joint by the Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method which using the Newton's laws of motion. It does not need iteration to get the nonlinear equations, it only need to simulate the structure that it is cause by the force or analyze the building during the whole construction process. Cable Dome is one of flexible structure system. The structure has a strong geometric nonlinearity property. Such as iteration although it still can be analyzed, but it will be difficult to analysis when the structure has a rigid body motion, large deformation and large displacement. However, these behavior must happen during the process of Cable-Strut Tensile Structures. Also the cable has the maximum of tension in Cable-Strut Tensile Structures. Using the traditional method, we only cam analyze the end of construction which transient, but it can’t be analyzed during the whole process analysis. According to the Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method, we will employ step by step with construction stage and proceed the simulate analysis to make sure the correctness from cable and Cable-Strut Tensile Structures. Finally, the representative of Cable-Strut Tensile Structures:Geiger Cable Dome is the miniature that it will proceed the simulate analysis of large spanning on Cable-Strut Tensile Structures. It will be going to verify the feasibility of Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method. KeyWords: VFIFE, Cable-Strut Tensile Structures, Cable Dome, Simulation of construction stage.


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