  • 學位論文


A Study on Professional Baseball Player's Contract and Relevant System-Focusing on CPBL Player's Contract and League Constitution-and-Bylaws

指導教授 : 吳姿慧


我國職棒運動相較於美日等職棒發展先進國家,對於選手權益保障之相關法令與制度仍然極為缺乏。由於球團一再阻止選手成立工會,使得我國職棒選手無從透過工會爭取勞動條件之改善。又職棒選手雖具有勞工身份,然而行政院勞工委員會卻以其職棒選手工作之特殊性,排除了職棒選手適用勞動基準法。導致勞資雙方地位極度不對等,球團得以其經濟上優勢不當拘束職棒選手,使職棒選手成為法律上之弱勢族群。我國職棒選手之劣勢地位有必要予以改善,方得以確保我國職棒運動的長遠發展。 由美國及日本之職棒發展歷史觀察,亦曾發生球團一方以其經濟上優勢地位,而過度侵害職棒選手之情形。但在各自的選手工會努力之下,終於爭取到較為對等的談判地位,制訂了較為完善的權利保障制度,有助於避免在勞動關係中受到雇主的不當侵害,國外職棒之先進制度實足堪為我國職棒運動發展之借鏡。因此,本文將對於我國現行職棒運動所採用之契約規範模式與特殊制度,與美日等職棒發展先進國家所採取之契約規範模式與制度進行分析與比較。 在分析我國現行職棒選手契約與聯盟規章之內容後,可知其具有定型化勞動契約之性質。既為定型化勞動契約,則依目前學說及實務之多數見解,當可依據民法第二四七條之一規定,對於其約款是否具有合理性進行實質審查,以避免球團利用其優勢地位,制訂對職棒選手顯失公平之約款,確保職棒選手在法律上的權利不致遭受過度之侵害。本文對於我國職棒選手之約款及相關特殊制度做一剖析後,將討論該等制度是否具有合理性,並參酌美國或日本較為完善之制度,對於我國現行不具合理性之契約條款與相關制度提出修正之建議,以作為未來我國職棒運動建構保障選手權益之制度時之參考。


Compare with the well developing profession baseball countries such as America and Japan, the relevant regulations and system ensured to profession baseball players’ rights are still scarce. Due to the owners of baseball clubs prevent the players from establishing the union constantly, the players in our country have no way of striving for the improvement of the working condition by the union. Moreover, although the players have the title of being a labor in Taiwan, because of the particularity of their work, the competent authority, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, has stated by a letter interpretation that the Labor Standard Law is not applicable to the players. It is necessary to improve the inferior status of the players to ensure the long-term development of profession baseball industry in Taiwan. Observing the development histories of professional baseball industries of America and Japan, their excellent system could be a good example to development of professional baseball industry in Taiwan. This article will analyze and compare the player’s contracts and the special system of professional baseball in Taiwan with the situation in America and Japan There is a character of contract of adhesion after analyzing current CPBL player’s contract and league constitution-and-bylaws. Since it is a contract of adhesion, this article will examine whether the clauses of CPBL player’s contract are reasonable by applying article 247-1 of Taiwan Civil Code. The examination can prevent the baseball club owners from making some unfair clauses and make sure the rights of players won’t be infringed. This article analyses the contracts and relevant system of Taiwan’s professional baseball, and discusses if the system is reasonable. Then according to the exellent system of America and Japan, the article makes the suggestion of amendment for the current unreasonable clauses of CPBL player’s contract and the relevant system. The conclusion will establishe an example of system which protects the rights of professional baseball players in order to improve the security of players.


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