  • 學位論文


「Shan Tei 」or 「Shen」- The Dispute of 「Term Question 」in Wanguo Gongbao(1877)

指導教授 : 曾慶豹


論文摘要 如何將“God”翻譯成漢語,是採用新式創新詞彙,還是選擇既存又通用的宗教術語,來表達超然存在物的觀念。這一點在翻譯和傳教兩方面,均將其視為一個關鍵性的問題。在近一個世紀中,傳教士和翻譯家不斷研討、爭論這個被稱為「譯名問題」(或稱為「聖號問題」或「Term Question」)的問題。整場爭論所提出的問題:中國人究竟是一神論者、多神論者或是泛神論者?中國人是否具有創造的信仰觀和「真神」的觀念?中國宗教的性質和內容實際上又是怎樣的意涵?一個中國基督徒用甚麼名字稱呼神或「上帝」?這個名字對他有何意義?當他或她用中文稱“God”時,在其內心所想到和相信的究竟是甚麼?這一切都成了極具決定性的難題。 《萬國公報》從一八七七年七月到一八七八年六月(第四百四十八卷至第四百九十五卷)這一年中全面展開了上述的論爭,此次的論爭並不以漢譯整本《聖經》的準確性及意義上的準確為焦點,而是就問題的焦點而言,爭論仍然是圍繞著《聖經》中的「主宰者」,是否等同於漢典中的「上帝」,以及能不能用「上帝」來翻譯基督教之「主宰者」這一中心問題而進行的。爭論大概分為兩個陣營:一方以參與討論的大多數中國奉教者為代表,主張以漢典之「上帝」翻譯基督教之神;另一方以《萬國公報》編者、美國傳教士陸佩(John S. Roberts)為代表,堅持認為中國的「上帝」義同於「天」,它代表著自然之天,不足以作為萬物之主宰的「聖號」。


譯名問題 聖號 上帝 真神 萬國公報


Abstract Whether to invent a new term or use an existing and generally accepted religious term for proper rendering of “God” in Chinese to express the concept of the transcendent existence was a crucial question sought under both translation and missionary work. Over the near century, missionaries and translators have been discussing and arguing over this question, namely the “Term Question”. The debate involved questions such as whether Chinese people are monotheists, polytheists or pantheists? Whether they believe in creation and have the concept of a True God? What is the core nature and content of the Chinese religion, and what terms do Chinese Christians use to refer to God or “Shan Tei”? And when they address God in Chinese, what does the name mean to them? What comes to their minds and what is it that they believe in? All these are important matters to be determined. According to Wanguo Gongbao dated July 1877 to June 1878 (Vol. 448 to 495), the debates did not focus on the precision of the Chinese translation of the complete Bible, or on the accuracy of its meanings. The central issues were debates surrounding whether the Sovereign God in the Bible is equivalent to the Chinese term of God, Shan Tei, and whether the term Shan Tei can be used to translate the Christian God. The debate was between two major parties. One was comprised with mostly Chinese Christians who participated in the discussion and was in favor of using the Chinese term of God, Shan Tei for rendering of the Christian God. The other was represented by American missionary John S. Roberts, editor of the Wanguo Gongbao, who insisted that the Chinese term Shan Tei is synonymous to Tian (heaven), which is part of nature and is not sufficient to be used as a sacred symbol for the ruler of heaven and earth.


Shen Term Question Sacred Symbol Tian Shan Tei True God


7. ———,《跨文化的詮釋:經學與神學的相遇》,北京:新星出版社,2007。
14. 黃一農著:《兩頭蛇:明末清初的第一代天主教徒》,上海:古籍出版社,


