  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Management Proficiency of EuP Directive Application

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


隨著環保意識抬頭,許多企業積極的參與環境保護的議題,其中歐盟推動之電機電子三大環保指令,即WEEE、RoHS及EuP指令為最佳典範。歐盟對耗能產品訂定了環境化設計指令(EuP),以減少耗能產品對環境的衝擊。放眼全球趨勢,歐盟EuP指令透露了一個重要的訊息,企業的環保實力及綠色產品的開發,將是下一波的核心競爭力。 因此本研究選取了三家電子電機廠商,以深度訪談的方式,了解各公司產品生命週期之環境安全衛生政策、禁用物質之限制及產品相關控管之要求以及因應EuP指令之相關改善措施,分析各公司之綠色管理效能。 訪談結果顯示,產品生命週期於環境考量面及EuP指令中生態化設計參數上,成本因素及技術問題皆為此三家公司在綠化產品生產流程之最大問題所在,不論EuP指令中要求之標準比例或不含有害物質等規定,都因上述兩項問題而未達成,因此廠商本身對自身的要求,包括產品採購、製程、包裝、運輸、維護、使用及最終廢棄階段,共同符合環保的要求,再搭配相關企業或產業上下游通力合作,才能達到整個供應鏈更完善的綠色管理系統;尚須政府以補助、融資或租借設備的方式來疏緩成本問題並且提供獎勵;消費者的態度及選擇亦很重要,透過行動表示對於綠色產品的支持,更能為廠商帶來誘因,促使更多電機電子廠商重視綠色管理並且加強國際環保的概念。


While environmental protection has gained worldwide attention, recently many manufacturers have made great efforts on the issues of environmental protection and sustainable development. In addition, European Union has successively promoted RoHS, WEEE and EuP directives since 2005. European Union aimed at improving the efficiency of energy-using products by setting up eco-designs which decrease energy-using product’s impact on environment. From a global point of view, the EuP directive has revealed a critical message, which shows that the next core competitive value of company will be its capacity in environmental protection and its ability to develop green product. Therefore, this study chooses three electrical and electronic factories and hold interview with their managers to find out the company’s environment security hygiene policy, restriction of hazardous substances and request for product’s control correlation in product’s phase of life-cycle and then analyze these three factories green management efficiency. According to the interview, in the aspects of environment and eco-design parameters in phase of life-cycle, cost factor and technology factor are the most important problems in product’s production procedures to set green processes. The required standard rate and minimization in using hazardous substances in EuP directive regulations are hindered by those two problems. Therefore, factories try to set high standards, including purchase, production, packing, transportation, installing, maintaining, using and final recycling procedures to conform to EuP directives. Green management system can be enhanced if each company can establish its green supply chain. It will be very helpful, if government provides subsidy, loan or to rent facilities to modulate cost problem. Consumer attitudes and selections are also important. By means of action to support green products and to provide more incentives to factories will stimulate more electrical and electronic factories to pay greater attention to green management system and thus enhance international environmental concepts.


Directive 2002/96/EC of European parliament and of the council of 27 January
