  • 學位論文


The monumental meaning of a man-made place-with Chiang Kai- Shek Memorial Hall as an example-

指導教授 : 黃承令


「紀念性」對於台灣當代社會而言,雖非一個令人感到陌生的詞彙,且國內亦有部分偏向以權力論述為基礎之評論與研究,卻不代表對其有正確而清晰之理解。而因中正紀念堂所引起的相關爭議,則於當初競圖方法公佈時即持續不斷。更在近年來由於政黨之間所刻意製造的論述,造成群眾因紀念物遭受改變而產生彼此間的激烈行為衝突。有鑑於此,本研究即採用現象學做為主要的研究方法,並借鏡國外近年來對紀念性相關之論述觀點,企圖提供另一種面對近來中正紀念堂相關爭議之思考面向。為達成上述目的,本研究主要擬定下列五章加以探討: 一、本研究於第一章之部份,首先還原記憶 ( Memory )、追念形式(Memorial)、紀念物(Monument)與紀念性(Monumentality)的定義,並用以修正國內近年來對紀念性的主觀解釋。 二、過去國內絕大多數探討紀念性的相關文獻中,將紀念性之建構視為理所當然的追求,卻毫不質疑其是否值得群眾引起彼此間之莫大衝突。再者,反對紀念性之建構的相關陳述大有所在,卻極少有研究對此加以辯証其存在之必要性。而這些過去被忽略的探討,即是本研究於第二章所探討之重點。 三、國內部分政黨僅依據紀念堂之外在形象,即宣稱它將因此永久成為民主或威權政治下之產物。因此本研究於第三章中,以一、二章所述之紀念性的觀念為基礎,還原紀念物於威權與民主之間的判斷依據,進而以此論述紀念堂與兩者的相互關係。 四、在第四章中,為求超越大眾在談論中正紀念堂時因同一性(Identity)而產生侷限且主觀的表意意向,故藉著直觀位都市之中的紀念堂之群眾活動後,分析其所顯現的紀念性意涵。 五、最後,本研究綜合上述觀點,探討過去當人為紀念性場所面臨改變時,因過於重視權力面向之論述而缺乏其它應具的思維。


Although the word “Monumentality” is not unfamiliar to the Taiwanese contemporary society, and there are also some comments and researches partially based on power discussion, however it doesn’t mean the society has the correct and clear comprehension to this word.The disputes concerned owing to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall have continued since the blueprint selection of the building.In recently years, the discussion purposely made by political parties causes violent conflicts between the masses due to the monument subjected to changes.As a result, the research will introduce phenomenology as the main method and use some foreign related examples and comments to provide another thinking aspect toward disputes on Chiang Kai Shek Memorial. To achieve the purpose mentioned above, the research is framed into five chapters in the following. To begin with, in the first chapter the vocabularies “Memory”, “Memorial”, “Monument”, and “Monumentality” will be defined and used to correct domestically subjective explanation of monumentality in the recent years. Secondly, in the past most related documents that talked about monumentality took the establishment of monumentality as a proper purpose but haven’t queried if it deserved such conflicts among the masses.In addition, there are a lot of statements against the establishment of monumentality, yet quite few researches probing the necessity of its existence. Therefore, those discussion neglected in the past will be the focus in the second chapter. Thirdly, some domestic political parties based on the external image of Memorial Hall and claimed it thus would forever become the outcome of democracy or authority. Hence, the third chapter will explain how to distinguish a monument is authoritative or democratic based on concepts of the first two chapters, and then discuss the monument concerned with autocracy and democracy. Fourth, to avoid the narrow and subjective intention that the masses trapped in when mentioning Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, the research will observe directly the activities that the masses engage upon in the hall and analyze its monumentality. In the end, the research will summarize the content above, and point out the discourses should pay attention to aside from power discussion in the case when an artificial memorial location faces changes.


Monumentality Memory Man-made place . Monument Phenomenology Memorial


Franco Borsi
Eric Mumford
2000 〈The New Monumentality〉,《The CIAM Discourse On Urbanism﹐
1928~1960》,The MIT Press。


