  • 學位論文


Pulse Signal Measurement System for Multiple Uses of Applications

指導教授 : 林康平


居家照護結合資訊與個人化醫療器材已成為未來健康照護的重要趨勢,而中醫學被認為對慢性病及重症病患的照護有相當的助益。本研究結合中醫特有之診斷方法及醫療器材「少量、多樣、高價值」之特色,研發一套中醫醫療儀器,具備一機多用之『廣用型』功能診斷儀器,包含居家使用、操作簡單、可攜性、量測精確、可連續保存紀錄及即時電腦顯示介面等特色,兼顧居家使用與臨床監視之功能,進一步應用於對民眾保健與居家照護之用途。 系統使用獨立電源、輕便SD記憶卡資料儲存裝置、與通用SD卡檔案管理,達到可攜式之設計。人機顯示介面是以血壓量測方式、使用簡單指示燈導引之設計、及時間管理與紀錄,達到居家使用之設計。此外,本研究亦結合隨插即用之USB即時裝置連接電腦,透過電腦介面顯示即時脈搏生理訊號監視之功能,達到臨床監視設計。脈搏訊號量測以電子血壓計之共振法求得平均血壓定為脈脊,輕壓設定為平均血壓減15至30mmHg、重壓設定在平均血壓加10至20mmHg,以五段壓力模擬中醫師把脈之手法,連續量測脈博訊號並建立脈象資料庫。 系統量測時間短,每次約三分鐘。血壓量測誤差平均為6mmHg,施壓目標壓力誤差平均為1.45mmHg。以平均血壓之脈搏波形做再現性分析,單一受測者三天早上測量之最高相關係數r=0.88。中醫師指感與波形輪廓之比對分析上,收集10位受測者左右手資料,共20筆,有效樣本17筆。配合醫師之指感論述及典型脈形信心度,以弦、滑、澀及複合脈形輪廓符合特徵描述,有效建立初步脈形之圖譜。 本研究透過多變通性與多用途之使用方式,在針對可攜式居家用紀錄,以及臨床用即時顯示兩方面,具備高度之便利性,期望能提供中醫脈診在居家照護時之便捷途徑,使中醫脈診儀成為普遍居家保健之指標。


This research combines the uniquely diagnosis of Chinese medical with features of medical appliance (few, multiple, high value) into a Chinese medical appliance. The trend of future health care is homecare combine with information and personal medical appliances. However, we all know that traditional Chinese medical have lots of help for chronic disease and serious disease. This pulse signal measurement system for multiple uses of applications has some feature including home-used, easy to operate, portable, accurate measure, recording data and computer interface display. Looking after both sides of home use and clinically monitor. It can be a further application way of people health care and home care. This system uses battery, SD memory card to save recorded data and FAT (File Allocation Table) system to manage data to make it portable. In order to be useable at home, in human interface, this system uses measuring blood pressure, LED operating guide designed, and time management. This research links up USB (Universal Serial Bus) with the system. After USB being connected to the computer, the display interface shows the pulse signal on computer monitor immediately to achieve the purpose of clinical monitor. Pulse signal sensing bases on the same method as commercial electronic sphygmomanometers, then measures the mean blood pressure (MBP). According to MBP, this research defines 5 different pressures (MBP-30mmHg, MBP-15mmHg, MBP, MBP+10mmHg, MBP+20mmHg) to sense pulse signal and simulate the pulse diagnosis of traditional Chinese medical. Collecting the recorded data and set up the pulse signal database. The measuring time of Pulse Signal Measurement System is approximately 3 minutes. The mean error of measuring blood pressure is approximately 6 mmHg. The mean error of exerting pressure upon target pressure value is approximately 1.45 mmHg. This research uses MBP pulse signal as representative of human subject. The data, which were collected at the same time for three days morning from a single human subject, shows a high correlation coefficient (max r=0.88). This research collects 10 human subject’s data that doing compare pulse signal of the measurement system with pulse diagnosis of traditional Chinese medical. Data altogether 20, effective sample is 17. The data match up the statement of finger touching and confidence of typical pulse phenomenon, and set up the database of pulse signal. This research is through the ways of multiple uses and application, to contain the function of portable, home uses and clinical real time display monitor. It has greatly convenient. Hope it can provide a convenient way of Chinese medical pulse diagnosis that can make this system to be a common indicator of homecare.


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