  • 學位論文

數位匯流下電信產業競爭優勢之研究 ---以中華電信為例---

The Research of Competitive Advantages of Telecommunications Industry in Digital Convergence Age - A Case Study of Chunghwa Telecom Company

指導教授 : 曲祉寧博士


隨著傳輸網路寬頻化、各種內容如語音、數據及影像的數位化,使得傳輸網路及服務內容得以整合,於是數位匯流的結果打破了傳統電信業與有線電視產業的藩籬,彼此相互跨越了原來互不相干的經營範疇而行成在同一產業內競爭。 為因應這些隨著數位匯流而來的挑戰,各業者如何面對當然自有其考量之處,本研究擬就電信產業的競爭優勢,因數位匯流而延伸其通訊服務範疇至提供影音娛樂服務,研究之目的為:在中華電信既有的經營優勢下,探討中華電信應該以『延伸既有能耐』或『建立新能耐』的方法發展來MOD(Multimedia On Demand,隨選視訊)的業務。 文獻分析方面,主要透過創新理論、Porter對產業競爭活動的五力分析模型,價值鏈概念和Brandenburger所提價值網的概念等文獻,探討中華電信所提供的MOD服務與有線電視產業間的競合態勢發展。 本研究主要藉由質性研究之個案研究法,探討數位匯流下傳統固定網路電信業者憑藉其寬頻網路的基礎,經營影音加值服務策略與發展,以中華電信發展的MOD為個案研究對象,並與經辦此項業務之高階主管為對象做深度訪談,及蒐集各種次級文獻分析為探討工具。 台灣有線電視的普及率高達八成,隨著全球數位匯流浪潮,寬頻網路與數位內容也是政府既定的產業政策方向,台灣傳統電信業者推出的隨選電視能否在這個市場勝出,將影響政府推動數位產業成敗。 對數位影音服務產業的新進業者所提供的IPTV服務而言,它結合了語音、數據及影像等三大領域應用內容的匯流,是Triple Play的極致運用,同時也創造了異業間的新競合關係與商業模式。 本研究主要有下列貢獻: 一、找出科技匯流時代中的電信業的核心能力。 二、描繪出當前電信市場的競爭態勢。 三、提供市場上電信服務業者的競爭策略建議。


Abstract With increasing broadband of transmission network and digitization of various content such as voice, data and video, network and services can be integrated. Because of digital convergence, barriers between telecommunications industry and cable television industry have been broken. Each other strides across bounds of traditional business areas to compete within the same industry. In order to react to these challenges coming with digital convergence age, every company has its own considerations to deal with them. This research focuses on the competition advantages of telecommunication, expanding traditional communication services to assorted multimedia services. The purpose of this research is to show that CHT, with its established predominance, develops MOD (Multimedia On Demand) business by “enhancing the existing capabilities” or “building up new abilities”. We research on the competition between MOD and cable TV by citing technical literatures, including Innovative Theory, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, Concept of Value Chain, and Brandenburger’s Value Net Concept. The research uses case study of Qualitative Research Methods to discuss extra multimedia services and development those traditional fixed-network communication industry develops by means of broadband network. It cites an instance of CHT. The research is in three aspects including case investigation in MOD, interview with executive managers in charge of MOD, and collections of a variety of technical literatures and analysis. The penetration of cable TV in Taiwan is more then 80 percent. With the global wave of digital convergence, broadband network and digitization are Government's established policy direction in industry. The penetration of MOD launched by Taiwan's traditional telecommunications industry will have a significant influence on results of Government’s impetus in digital industry. The IPTV service provided by new industries, an extreme of Triple Play, combines three major fields - Voice, Data, and Video. Furthermore, it creates new competition-corporation relation and new business model among different industries. The following list is the major contributions of this research: 1. Looking for crucial ability of communication industries in the time of technical convergence. 2. Describing the present situation of communication business Co-opetition. 3. Providing suggestions of competing strategy to communication industries.


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電子時報社論 2009-05-11 MOD遭覆蓋是數位匯流的失敗 電子時報


