  • 學位論文


Teacher’s Styles of Reading English Picture Storybooks Aloud in Developing EFL Children’s Story Comprehension: An Action Research

指導教授 : 呂妍慧


摘要 語言學習的研究者常指出,朗讀圖畫故事書會影響孩童的語言學習。然而針對孩童閱讀外語的實證研究仍相當缺乏,因此本研究目的是以行動研究探討教師如何運用不同的朗讀風格來增進台灣學童對英語圖畫故事書的理解力。研究對象是研究者目前任教的兒童美語補習班中五位年紀相仿且英語程度相當的學生。在每週一次的十六週教學研究中共計有五個行動研究循環,每個循環朗讀一本英語繪本,前四本故事書進行三週,第五本故事進行四週。研究者在教學研究中蒐集上課活動之錄影、學生學習回饋單及研究教師的省思札記,加以質化分析、探討不同朗讀風格對於學生故事理解力的影響。 研究發現,在朗讀英語繪本時,先透過戲劇化的朗讀,再討論故事內容,最後將故事帶入學生的生活經驗當中,可以增進學生對故事的理解能力。此外,較活潑有趣的讀後活動例如:角色扮演,除了能增加學生的學習興趣,學生較不害怕用英文閱讀或討論英語繪本,更能提昇學生的故事理解力,也能提供教師追蹤學生的學習成效。本研究顯示,以不同朗讀風格朗讀英語繪本,運用各優點及特色,能提昇學童的繪本故事理解力。本研究也提供英語教師如何運用不同繪本朗讀風格。


ABSTRACT Researchers of language learning have often suggested that reading picture storybooks aloud would likely affect children’s language learning. However, within the extensive literature on reading aloud, comparatively little research has focused on reading aloud in second language learning. Therefore, the aim of this action research was to explore my own teaching practice in using different reading-aloud styles to promote students’ story comprehension are related. This research involves five cycles complemented within 16 weeks. Five similar-aged students with similar level of English proficiency in an English learning center participated in the study. In each cycle, the same storybook was used one day a week for three weeks; the fifth cycle was carried out for four weeks. Data were collected from videotaping of classroom activities, documentations, and teacher’s reflection journals. The results reveals that when reading the same storybook, the students benefited from the integration of the three styles in sequence along with well-planned follow-up activities in a stress-free environment. To conclude, this study provides English teachers with a better understanding of how teacher’s reading-aloud styles use relate to students’ responses.


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